Last thing watched on netflix / Amazon..................

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I never watched BB.  Now that I’ve been to NM a couple of times, I might have to check it out.

We finally restarted Breaking Bad.  Hopefully we can stick with it this time.  I forgot just how old that show really is, the phones/clothes/everything is so incredibly dated.
We restarted it a few months ago (maybe end of last year?) and have made it into the middle of the last season... But honestly, it's been too intense of a show to watch lately.

Finished Star Wars/Clone Wars Season 7. Very good. My favorite SW characters are now Ahsoka and Maul. 

We went back into Rebels and re-watched the Ahsoka/Vader/Maul duel at the Sith temple after that. Great stuff. 

I was never able to get into any of those when they came out, even less so now, I did read a ton of the SW books that came out in the 90's but for whatever reason I just couldn't ever stay interested in those cartoons..

Watched first episode of S2 Dead to Me, just as slow and dull as the first 7 episodes of S1

we watched "the convoy" last night (Amazon Prime) - makes me feel like I missed out on the 70's

finished up season 3 of homeland, have to say this show is intriguing, but its also kind of depressing.  I'll save future seasons for my next bout with insomnia!

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We watched "The Lobster" on Netflix last night. It was weird, but good! The story was interesting.

We're also about half-way through "Uncut Gems". I'm not the biggest Adam Sandler fan, and the movie so far seems to be fairly chaotic in terms of storyline.

Dead to me season 2.  getting annoyed because it is soooo slow.  this was the comment i had last season also. nothing happens until the final scene and i am like WTF?

M. Gustave: You're looking so well darling, you really are. I don't know what sort of cream they put on you down at the morgue but, I want some.

Watched “Space Force” on Netflix over the weekend. Turned out to be pretty good, although, it looks like they were trying to save on their effects budget because some of the low/zero gravity scenes were funny.

I was a bit surprised that I actually had to search for it in Netflix. I got an email when it was released, but it didn’t show up in the usual “Netflix Originals” list. 

Watched the 1st 3 episodes of space force, the chimpanzee one was hysterical.. the 3rd one was pretty slow.. will defin keep watching it - its not what I was expecting but its better than most anything else on

Do they ever say what the wife went to prison for?

Watched the 1st 3 episodes of space force, the chimpanzee one was hysterical.. the 3rd one was pretty slow.. will defin keep watching it - its not what I was expecting but its better than most anything else on

Do they ever say what the wife went to prison for?

No they do not. I believe there is only mention of her being in for 40-60 years.
I ended up watching all of season 3 of “Ozark”’s just one of those shows that keeps me watching. Definitely left it open for season 4. 

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Just finished Season 3 of Breaking Bad - the writers do a good job of stretching it out.
