Started watching Jessica Jones. Made it through about 2 episodes before giving it up. Mrs Dex is still watching it because David Tennant is in it (her favorite Doctor from Dr Who). Too much drama and not enough superhero for a "comic book" series for my liking. Goal was to re-watch the whole Marvel series (TV and movies) in order, but from what I've seen so far the various TV series aren't any good.
Mrs Dex also really likes watching Outlander. She told me there's a fair amount of gratuitous nudity, so I sat through a random episode. Ended up being the only episode without the gratuitousness and instead had what can only be described as "sensual gay rape". Forget that.
Wanted to start watching Vikings, but because it's a not-safe-for-kids show, we never have time to watch it.
At this point, our TV is basically used for watching movies and playing video games.