Kids of EB

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I guess so. It just makes me so nervous leaving her alone with either of the two younglings in fear that she might really hurt them.

Could it really be that simple? And that being said, when we each have errands to run, we usually take her with us to get her out. And she is a completely different child. Well behaved and enjoying the moment.
my cousin had to do this shortly after #3 was born. The older kids are 6 and 4. They took each kid out for the day over the course of a couple weekends. They went to a movie, out to eat, to play somewhere, or whatever that kid wanted to do for the day. Errands aren't the same cuz they are just along for the ride

Could it really be that simple? And that being said, when we each have errands to run, we usually take her with us to get her out. And she is a completely different child. Well behaved and enjoying the moment.
my cousin had to do this shortly after #3 was born. The older kids are 6 and 4. They took each kid out for the day over the course of a couple weekends. They went to a movie, out to eat, to play somewhere, or whatever that kid wanted to do for the day. Errands aren't the same cuz they are just along for the ride
That's good to know. I will definitely give it a whirl. Thanks.

sounds like it is time for a daddy/daughter or mommy/daughter or if you can find a sitter mommy/daddy/daughter date night or afternoon where it is just the two/three of you.

she now has to share your attention with yet another sibling.

Could it really be that simple? And that being said, when we each have errands to run, we usually take her with us to get her out. And she is a completely different child. Well behaved and enjoying the moment.
I think it is a cry for attention. Even punishment (or "bad" attention) is still attention. I might suggest that you involve #1 when you taking care of #3 however you can. she might turn that negative energy into nurturing/caring for the younger ones.

Good luck.

I agree with the above. I've called my 3 yr old out on it in private and we discuss what I value about her and talk about arranging intentional 1:1 time together.

Could it really be that simple? And that being said, when we each have errands to run, we usually take her with us to get her out. And she is a completely different child. Well behaved and enjoying the moment.
my cousin had to do this shortly after #3 was born. The older kids are 6 and 4. They took each kid out for the day over the course of a couple weekends. They went to a movie, out to eat, to play somewhere, or whatever that kid wanted to do for the day. Errands aren't the same cuz they are just along for the ride
That's good to know. I will definitely give it a whirl. Thanks.
Like you, we have ran out of punishments for my 3 yr. old (#2) to the point where he says "It's o.k., I don't need XXX anymore."

However, like the other posts above, the one on one time changes everything. Sitting on the couch and reading while the baby sleeps/chills out or getting down on the floor to play tractors with him does amazing things for his demeanor.

poor minisnick...he has been in a slight funk all week because he wasn't getting stickers at school. They were having show and tell and he was assigned to the last day, today. The teacher probably went in alphabetical order and minisnick is at the bottom of that list. Apparently the kids were getting stickers after they finished talking about the ball they brought.

Its funny how much power a sticker can have over kids at that age. My daughter always helps out the teachers and things like that to get special stickers, my son is the opposite. He lives for not getting a sticker. We are always like, hey sister got a sticker for helping out her teacher are you going to do that. He'll look right at the teacher, laugh, and say nope. He's only just turned 3 so hopefully he'll lose some of that.

I'm still trying to get my son to pee in the toilet and he's 8. Kid pees on more toilet seats than anyone on the planet. And he never flushes.

Maybe he is in cahoots with your cat.

MAYBE your cat is taking the heat for him!

Grandpa really got mad at him over the weekend for that. He's been much better the last couple of days.

The cat on the other hand, is at the Humane Shelter awaiting adoption.

I have a sneaking suspicion that #1 has the beginnings of a cold. I'm really hoping that it's just allergies, but highly doubt it. I just hope #3 doesn't get it.

I was honestly thinking the same thing, except I would just put a sharpie mark in the back...

Quote of the Day: "Mommy, I have a problem with my nose. The boogers wont come out." -Minisnick this morning, super congested

Quote of the Day: "Mommy, I have a problem with my nose. The boogers wont come out." -Minisnick this morning, super congested
yeah, NJ #2 got the cold yesterday afternoon that #1 has. He was getting all frustrated and pulling at his nose last night before bed.

Quote of the Day: "Mommy, I have a problem with my nose. The boogers wont come out." -Minisnick this morning, super congested

This is extra cute to me because the latter part is the opposite of what Mommy usually says.

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It's amazing how our two boys handle discipline differently. MS #1 could be beaten to within an inch of his life and he would keep misbehaving. MS #2 stops misbehaving if we bark at him.

So I ask minisnick how his day was when I picked him up yesterday. He said he had a bad day because he had to sit on the bench in time out while they were outside at school. I asked what he did. He said he hit Frank (name changed to protect the innocent). I asked why he hit Frank, he said he hit him because he was pulling on our coats. I went on about how you know you aren't suppose to hit people, even if they are being mean. He goes on to say well I didn't hit him I threw the ball at his face.

When we were cutting the pictures out for the valentines back in February for his class minisnick had pointed to Franks picture and said I don't like Frank, he doesn't follow the rules and gets in trouble a lot. I hate to use the word, but Frank might be a bully in the making and minisnick just finally had enough of it. Hopefully Franks learned his lesson.

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