Kids of EB

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We never worried about SIDS. The boys slept on their stomachs ALL THE TIME! I think SIDS would affect kids if there are a bunch of stuffed animals, or pillows, or loose bedding around. Ours had the mattress and a very flat pillow that they wiggled onto to sleep. No worries.

That was the decision we came to after #2, but being the existence of this thread I figured I would ask the opinion of the group

Yeah...minisnick's rash is an allergic reaction to the bactrim meds he got for his ear infection...even though he was 24hrs+ off the meds before the rash appeared.

I'm at wits' end having spent the last 4 hours organizing the playroom (it's my day off). Do you have rules for determining what goes and what stays?

The Mr went on a toy buying craze during the first 3 years of Mini YMZ's life. His dad has too and has sent loads of Chinese-made crap every occasion. And there's the stuffed animals - we haven't bought a single one for our kids, but we have no less than 50. I stink at figuring out what to get rid of; if I could, I would dump everything except the Hot Wheels and expensive pretend play toys.

I'm at wits' end having spent the last 4 hours organizing the playroom (it's my day off). Do you have rules for determining what goes and what stays?

The Mr went on a toy buying craze during the first 3 years of Mini YMZ's life. His dad has too and has sent loads of Chinese-made crap every occasion. And there's the stuffed animals - we haven't bought a single one for our kids, but we have no less than 50. I stink at figuring out what to get rid of; if I could, I would dump everything except the Hot Wheels and expensive pretend play toys.
I try to use the age rotation. The oldest toys get phased out first. I bag it and stuff it in the attic.

we packed up baby toys like 2yrs and younger. my inlaws like to buy the crap toys so they tend to get broken before outgrowing them. minisnick is rotating btwn his toys so its hard to do further reductions

Talk about at your wits end. We attempted to start potty training mini-ble2 this weekend. I say attempted because by Sunday morning we were absolutely fed up and were at the breaking point. We put her back in diapers because she just was not ready to use the potty yet. The issue with her isn't accidents, but she will hold her pee forever before she goes. I think on Saturday her longest was 7 hours between potty breaks. We were scared that she was going to get an UTI, so we decided to postpone further potty training. This is a new experience for us because mini-ble1 was basically potty trained in 1 day other than a few accidents here and there. Of course, he loved the fact that we were so excited every time he went to the potty, so he was doing it all day. Mini-ble2 couldn't care less that we were excited. I've come to the conclusion that mini-ble1 is like your dog that loves to please you and is a faithful companion while mini-ble2 is your cat. She loves you, but you are there to serve her and she doesn't care if you don't like what she does.

The one benefit from this weekend is that she is now talking about the potty more and yesterday she asked to put her big girl panties on for a few minutes, so I think this has started the process pretty well. We'll see...

We had mini-Buff #1's 6th birthday party on Sunday. We did a sledding party, with cupcakes, games and such afterwards. We have had about 3 feet of snow in the last week, so we had to pack out a few sledding runs before the party using snowshoes. We got an up trail done, and two sledding runs. The sledding runs were more like bobsled runs, with walls on each side. I was exhausted after tracking them out, then we got to help 22 6 year olds go sledding. They had a great time, but I need some time to recover!

Talk about at your wits end. We attempted to start potty training mini-ble2 this weekend. I say attempted because by Sunday morning we were absolutely fed up and were at the breaking point. We put her back in diapers because she just was not ready to use the potty yet. The issue with her isn't accidents, but she will hold her pee forever before she goes. I think on Saturday her longest was 7 hours between potty breaks. We were scared that she was going to get an UTI, so we decided to postpone further potty training. This is a new experience for us because mini-ble1 was basically potty trained in 1 day other than a few accidents here and there. Of course, he loved the fact that we were so excited every time he went to the potty, so he was doing it all day. Mini-ble2 couldn't care less that we were excited. I've come to the conclusion that mini-ble1 is like your dog that loves to please you and is a faithful companion while mini-ble2 is your cat. She loves you, but you are there to serve her and she doesn't care if you don't like what she does.

The one benefit from this weekend is that she is now talking about the potty more and yesterday she asked to put her big girl panties on for a few minutes, so I think this has started the process pretty well. We'll see...
we went through the same with NJ #1. She acted as if she wanted to do months earlier than she eventually did. Give it more time.

i know boys are different but it was easier getting minisnick to poop on the potty than pee. After trying treats and stickers we finally just told him there were no more pullups and put him in underware and cloth trainging pants. after he pissed himself 2-3 times he figured it out.

Mini-ble1 was pooping in the toilet by a year old because he was so regular. Every morning after breakfast mrs. ble would sit him on the toilet and he would play with puzzles until he was done, so by the time we potty trained him, we only had to worry about peeing. Mini-ble2 is completely different.

I'm still trying to get my son to pee in the toilet and he's 8. Kid pees on more toilet seats than anyone on the planet. And he never flushes.

So I have a 4 yr girl(#1), 2 yr old boy(#2) and almost 2 month old baby girl(#3). Mrs. NJ texts me today to tell me that #1 is in some serious $h!t. So I call and ask why. #3 was asleep in her swing and Mrs. NJ was in the other room doing something. Apparently, #1 decided that she was going to stand over #3 in her swing and continuously smack her in the head. WTF?! Anyone have experiences with this? For the most part she has been good with her, however she has been known to be a bit aggressive and rough with #2.

Lately she has been a bit unruly and required punishments. Some to the point of making her believe that her new Christmas toys were thrown out. She didn't handle that idea well so I assumed it was an adequate punishment. Other punishments have been, timeouts, spankings, going straight to bed immediately after dinner while #2 go to stay up later than her. I'm lost with this behavior and I'm all out of punishments. At this point I'm ready to treat her like a Gitmo detainee.

Someone please help.

sounds like it is time for a daddy/daughter or mommy/daughter or if you can find a sitter mommy/daddy/daughter date night or afternoon where it is just the two/three of you.

she now has to share your attention with yet another sibling.

Could it really be that simple? And that being said, when we each have errands to run, we usually take her with us to get her out. And she is a completely different child. Well behaved and enjoying the moment.

It usually boils down to attention. Each one wants all of your time. This is especially true with the oldest because they are the only one to have ever actually been the "only one."
