So, it's been tough with the oldest. His mother and I live in the same school district, but I was in the area for his elementary school so up through 6th grade he could ride the bus to/from our house and on days he was at his mother's house, she would pick him up at school. Once they get to 7th grade, all the kids in the district are funneled into one school. Since he could ride the bus to/from either house, he decided to start going to her house all the time because she's the "fun house", i.e. he can sit in his room and play on his computer all day. Our house is mean because we, you know, make the kids do their schoolwork and do chores and evil twisted things like that. TBH, I am 90% sure that he would have failed 8th grade this year if it hadn't been for COVID. Since kids had to do the 2nd part of the year at home, they pretty much just assumed everybody would have done fine if they were in regular school and promoted everybody. Even though I never really saw him, I was still getting the emails and even some phone calls about him not doing any work at school and failing most of his classes. At one point when school had moved to home, I got a call from one of the vice principals asking me if Emmett had access to internet and a computer at home because his teachers said none of his work was being done.
It's gotten a little better lately. He's not splitting his time 50/50 like it's supposed to be, but he's started coming over to our house a little bit here and there. They just got back from vacation so he came over for a couple hours yesterday. Good news, we spent most of the time talking about applying for jobs. Bad news, he wants to save the money he makes for a motorcycle when he turns 16. He talked about coming over again this weekend sometime so we could look into applying for a job at Kroger because there's a store within easy biking distance and Kroger will hire as young as 14yo. I was just surprised that he was asking because that is the complete opposite of how his mother is...she's always put most of her effort into mooching to get what she maybe there is hope for him yet.