Kids of EB

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Minisnick started walking this weekend while we were up in CHicago for my MOm's 60th bday. Started waking after he got his new shoes...the 3rd stage from striderite. My mom was so excited she got to see it in person...probably the best birthday present ever.

^^^ That makes two of us. Mini-MS started taking his first steps today! He didn't do it on his own accord, though. ;)

He's been walking for months now when holding our hands / fingers with his hand. He just never has let go and walked. Well, today I was determined to change his mind. I walked with him around mom 'n dad's house with him holding onto one finger. We got to a rug where Mrs. MS was sitting and I yoinked my finger away. He kept walking, determined, towards mama... all three steps. I think a light bulb finally turned on. :)

We did it a few more times and got him up to about ten steps. We believe he has finally caught on to the idea that he can walk after all.

What have we gotten ourselves into? :oops:

The little dude is already an F1 race car crawling, climbing, reaching, walking with his walker, wagon, cruising... you name it.

Seriously, the only difference I can see coming is the lack of the "thump thump thump thump thump..." from crawling. :(

Great stuff all around for EB kids. You never know what you have to look forward to, even if you've been through it with an older child. It's all new with each child. And mostly good.

Great stuff all around for EB kids. You never know what you have to look forward to, even if you've been through it with an older child. It's all new with each child. And mostly good.

I love the model pics!

Mini-kevo was kicking up a storm last night when the wife and I were watching Inception.

I guess she was liking the movie as well!!

minisnicks first real play in the snow

We set my kids down next to a 3ft snow drift to get a picture this morning. The 3 yr old wanted to dive right into the snow but the 16 month old just melted down. I don't blame him. I had icicles all over my beard after 20 minutes of shoveling.

I think all the walking is tiring minsnick out sooner. He took almost a 3 hr nap yesterday and then fell alseep on the way home from diner which was like 1.5hrs before he normally goes down for the night.

last night was another night of interrupted sleep. Minisnick is working on tooth number 11. super CRABBY this morning.

I just can't wait to see how red minisnicks butt will be this evening. We went to the mexican restaurant last night for diner and minisnick wanted to dip his chip in the salsa. we let him, while we tried to keep it minimal he went for a full scoop and proceeding to lick the salsa off the chip. The ensuing OMFG burning mouth face was hilarious. He had some milk then dug right back into the salsa again and again. Gluten for punishment he is.

I did mention to the daycare this morning to be on the watch for :fart: and :blowup: or else we would be fighting some nasty diaper rash through the weekend. Its wednesday and for some reason minisnick always comes home with a rash on wednesdays.

Might want to be on the lookout for the dreaded brown waterfall on the leg if was a repeat victim of spicy food to the gut.

I just can't wait to see how red minisnicks butt will be this evening. We went to the mexican restaurant last night for diner and minisnick wanted to dip his chip in the salsa. we let him, while we tried to keep it minimal he went for a full scoop and proceeding to lick the salsa off the chip. The ensuing OMFG burning mouth face was hilarious. He had some milk then dug right back into the salsa again and again. Gluten for punishment he is.
I did mention to the daycare this morning to be on the watch for :fart: and :blowup: or else we would be fighting some nasty diaper rash through the weekend. Its wednesday and for some reason minisnick always comes home with a rash on wednesdays.
maybe Wednsday is taco day at daycare and he just didn't tell you. It might be where he acquired his taste for salsa.
