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Woohoo one mental block overcome. :party-smiley-048: Minisnick started standing on his own this week (see my avatar). Now he can't get enough of trying to stand by himself...I predict walking by himself is very soon on the horizon.
That's great, but once he starts walking you can forget trying to keep up! Mini-ble is non-stop.

Also, it's not anything to brag about, but Mini-ble has only thrown up 4 times in his life (he's ~17 months) and 3 of those times have been on me. Why is it I'm his vomit magnet? This past Sunday was his latest and he projectile vomited all of his milk and supper all over me and his room. Not fun.

Woohoo one mental block overcome. :party-smiley-048: Minisnick started standing on his own this week (see my avatar). Now he can't get enough of trying to stand by himself...I predict walking by himself is very soon on the horizon.
That's great, but once he starts walking you can forget trying to keep up! Mini-ble is non-stop.

Also, it's not anything to brag about, but Mini-ble has only thrown up 4 times in his life (he's ~17 months) and 3 of those times have been on me. Why is it I'm his vomit magnet? This past Sunday was his latest and he projectile vomited all of his milk and supper all over me and his room. Not fun.
lucky you, but i also suffer from that affliction, so I can't joke too much.

I actually can't wait until walks by himself, even if i have to chase him around. Being on the taller side, having to bend over to pick him up or even the slight bend needed to aide his waking is killing my back.

Over this last week or so minisnick has started shaking his head no when he doesn't want something. Which has been sort of helpful and annoying at the same time.

minisnick weighed in this morning at his 15 month dr appt at 20.5 lbs. woohoo :party-smiley-048: He was 16#11oz at Halloween

he only grew an inch in height...seemed like more with all the pants he outgrew.

only 1.5 more pounds until he reaches the forward facing weight for the carseat...not sure if there is a height requirement related though...

I'm not exactly sure I understand how they score the SAT's these days, but my daughter scored 470 Reading, 460 Math, and 470 Writing.

Someone told me that translates to about a 940?

The documentation said that puts her in about the 40th percentile for college bound seniors.




Oh yeah, BTW, she's in 7th grade.

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FYI, aquaphor healing ointment works wonders on diaper rash!!!! Minisnick had a bad case of DR we had been fighting since wednesday. By the weekend his skin was so raw, desitin and butt paste were not working. I picked up aquaphor to give it try since it said starts healing within 6 hrs of use. It works as advertised.

FYI, aquaphor healing ointment works wonders on diaper rash!!!! Minisnick had a bad case of DR we had been fighting since wednesday. By the weekend his skin was so raw, desitin and butt paste were not working. I picked up aquaphor to give it try since it said starts healing within 6 hrs of use. It works as advertised.
Mini-Buff has dry skin, and we've been using Aquaphor for a couplke of years now. I also use it to heal cracks in my fingers near the nails. That stuff rocks!

Speaking of mini-Buff, she went skiing again yesterday, and is really starting to get the hang of it. She did five runs (with a lunch break in between) down the bunny hill. I saw little improvements each run. I'm one proud papa!

It's also a top notch tattoo ointment!

FYI, aquaphor healing ointment works wonders on diaper rash!!!! Minisnick had a bad case of DR we had been fighting since wednesday. By the weekend his skin was so raw, desitin and butt paste were not working. I picked up aquaphor to give it try since it said starts healing within 6 hrs of use. It works as advertised.
We went to Old Navy while I was home on R&R and Emmett decided he wanted to be a model like the manequins. He got up there in his pose and stood perfectly still for a good 10 minutes or so.



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I was up at 3:45 this morning rocking Mini-ble. He's got a cough right now and is pretty congested, so if he wakes up it's hard for him to go back to sleep. I was trying to put him back to sleep but he kept telling me no and saying he wanted to go downstairs. So Mrs. Ble and I were downstairs at 4:30 this morning playing with mini-ble. I hope this doesn't last long.

Last week my daughter stuck one of those mini pom-poms up her nose. It was one of those mini arts and crafts style colored cotton balls. Luckily the dr was able to get it out within a couple of minutes of getting to the clinic.

Unfortunately, she seems to have caught some kind of sinus/ear infection with a nasty cough and has had to stay home from school yesterday and today.

I was up at 3:45 this morning rocking Mini-ble. He's got a cough right now and is pretty congested, so if he wakes up it's hard for him to go back to sleep. I was trying to put him back to sleep but he kept telling me no and saying he wanted to go downstairs. So Mrs. Ble and I were downstairs at 4:30 this morning playing with mini-ble. I hope this doesn't last long.
same with minisnick. He has a molar coming in so he is beyond congested and it runs down the back of his throat causing the cough. He was waking up every 1.5-2hrs last night coughing. we didn't have to go downstairs to play though, a diaper change and some milk and he was ready to go back to sleep each time.

he is definitley a milk chugger.

I was up at 3:45 this morning rocking Mini-ble. He's got a cough right now and is pretty congested, so if he wakes up it's hard for him to go back to sleep. I was trying to put him back to sleep but he kept telling me no and saying he wanted to go downstairs. So Mrs. Ble and I were downstairs at 4:30 this morning playing with mini-ble. I hope this doesn't last long.
same with minisnick. He has a molar coming in so he is beyond congested and it runs down the back of his throat causing the cough. He was waking up every 1.5-2hrs last night coughing. we didn't have to go downstairs to play though, a diaper change and some milk and he was ready to go back to sleep each time.

he is definitley a milk chugger.
Yea, mini-ble's first molar just broke through last week. Tell me about the milk chugging! Mini-ble goes through a gallon in about 5 days or so.

We went to Old Navy while I was home on R&R and Emmett decided he wanted to be a model like the manequins. He got up there in his pose and stood perfectly still for a good 10 minutes or so.

I took my middle one (6 year old) Christmas shopping with me one day last month, and he jumped up there, stood perfectly still, trying to hide from me.

I got a photo.


I must brag about making an Engineer Daddy proud.

My one year old has a voice recorder that he plays with, it makes his voice sound funny. But its batteries died. I heard him doing something, so watched him.

He dragged a chair from the kitchen table into my kitchen, got up into my "JUNK DRAWER" where I keep everything. Took out a Philips screwdriver, then went and sat in his chair and was doing this (below) when I got the camera on him.

I thought it was pretty impressive for his age.


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I'm not exactly sure I understand how they score the SAT's these days, but my daughter scored 470 Reading, 460 Math, and 470 Writing.
Someone told me that translates to about a 940?

The documentation said that puts her in about the 40th percentile for college bound seniors.




Oh yeah, BTW, she's in 7th grade.
She's bound for CTY!!! Or at leasts that's what it was called back in the day for the gifted summer programs. She will love it, it's certainly not cheap; but it's worth every penny you will spend for it.
