Kids of EB

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hopefully the baby cooperates so you can see. We didn't want to know, but minisnick did not cooperate so we would not have been able to find out even if we wanted to.

Although, unless there is a super preexisting desire for one gender over the other, I think moms feeling is right a lot of the time.

Like I said we didn't know, but whenever I was at the store during my pregnancy I always ended up in the boy section looking at clothes...and we had a boy.

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Well, today's the day we learn if our baby is a boy or a girl.
Anyone care to place bets? My wife is betting that it will be a boy.
Good luck with the ultrasound! Mrs. Ble and I thought mini-ble was going to be a girl because everyone told her that they thought she was having a girl. When the nurse told her it was a boy, Mrs. Ble asked her if she was sure 3 times I think. So, having said that, I'm going with a girl.

You're the winner Ble. We're getting a girl!

Now, we we to start picking out names!

Thought I'd brag about my 8 year old daughter. She had Pi memorized to 11 places, now she's gone to 17.

She's got some weird fascination with the word "pineapple". So now, instead of "pineapple", she chants "three point one four one five nine two six five three five nine - napple!". Makes an engineer daddy proud...

Thought I'd brag about my 8 year old daughter. She had Pi memorized to 11 places, now she's gone to 17.
She's got some weird fascination with the word "pineapple". So now, instead of "pineapple", she chants "three point one four one five nine two six five three five nine - napple!". Makes an engineer daddy proud...
Now that's funny.

minisnick definitely is a technology loving baby. He managed to unlock and change the background on Mr snicks droid phone this weekend.

mini-Buff slept on her big girl matress for the first time last night. Very exciting. As a first step, we just put the matress on the floor. I'm going to put together the rest of the bed this week, and then we'll move the crib out.

mini-Buff slept on her big girl matress for the first time last night. Very exciting. As a first step, we just put the matress on the floor. I'm going to put together the rest of the bed this week, and then we'll move the crib out.
awesome!!! SOunds like fun

mini-Buff slept on her big girl matress for the first time last night. Very exciting. As a first step, we just put the matress on the floor. I'm going to put together the rest of the bed this week, and then we'll move the crib out.
That's great! Remind me again how old mini-Buff is? I've been wondering when is the right time to change from the crib to a toddler/big boy bed for mini-Ble. I know he's still got a while, but the engineer in me still wants a plan in place.

mini-Buff slept on her big girl matress for the first time last night. Very exciting. As a first step, we just put the matress on the floor. I'm going to put together the rest of the bed this week, and then we'll move the crib out.
That's great! Remind me again how old mini-Buff is? I've been wondering when is the right time to change from the crib to a toddler/big boy bed for mini-Ble. I know he's still got a while, but the engineer in me still wants a plan in place.
She'll be 3 on February 5. As for when to make the switch, it came down to us wanting to get mini-Buff completely out of diapers. She only does them overnight now. Her crib is big enough that she probably could have been in there for another year. Also, she said that she was ready to make the switch. Another factor is if the kid is climbing out of the crib, then it is probably time to switch, for safety reasons. I was a little worried that she would want to go back in her crib in the middle of the night, but so far, through two nights, she has slept all through the night.

Mini snick is obsessed with toliets lately. Going shopping friday to get him one of his own and a seat for the big toliet. Even if he just sits on them, I figure it is a start. A couple of the kids at daycare are in the midst of potty training and I think he wants to immitate what they are doing.

Love Braggin bout my boys. I would post pics, but the wife would kill me if I did. just know they look just like me!!!

My 6 year old is currently being evaluated to be in the Gifted and Talented program offered here in some of the Johnson County public schools. I dont know if he is gifted or just super advanced. He also has a photographic memory so that has to help. When he comes in to work with me, I have him read stuff like the green book. He can read better than me. The dude is great. On the football field the kid is a beast. I have him at o-line and d-line and dominates.

We have a 2 month old that is just...FAT. He is noisy, smells of milk and dirty diapers and is FAT. But he looks just like his brother. I mean exactly. and he is FAT. Oh and he loves his daddy. when I walk in the room and get about a foot away from his face, dude gets all excited and the one FAT arm starts going crazy. Then he hits me with that toothless smile. Fun times.

I think minisnick knows more random people in town than we do. While at Rural King this weekend a young girl came over to say Hi to minisnick...she used to work at the daycare minisnick goes to.

Rural king not burger king...silly. Rural King is sort of like farm and fleet, a hardware/grocery/clothing/paint/tools type of a place.

We do have a burger king here, but we don't eat there much.

Mini-Buff had her first accident this AM in her big girl bed. She was trying to run to the bathroom when the blowout occured. Just wet, luckily. I was already in the shower, so Mrs. Buff helped her change her sheets, and put the wet ones in the washer. She made it a whole week before her first accident.

Woohoo one mental block overcome. :party-smiley-048: Minisnick started standing on his own this week (see my avatar). Now he can't get enough of trying to stand by himself...I predict walking by himself is very soon on the horizon.
