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Jun 9, 2008
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I think that the time is near, but still no word yet. Heck, last night I just went to the funny pictures thread and FORGOT that I was even waiting for results!! Geez I hope that I don't have to return to that Ag-Hall AGAIN!!

At least Christmas distractions make the time pass quicker than it did in the spring....

GOOD LUCK to all!!!

I looked at the Kansas Board Website this afternoon. They mailed out the results today (Dec. 29)!!! Good Luck!

Per one of my coworkers who took the test, he got his letter yesterday.

WOW, it is a LOT more "relaxing" getting a THICK BIG envelope that says "DO NOT BEND...."

I KNOW what it feels like to fail... It feels a LOT better to pass..

GOOD LUCK to ALL, add my name to the banner, I feel a lot like the "scare crow" now!!!
