It's Friday!!!!

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Those immortal words of Mungo Jerry:

If her daddy's rich take her out for a meal

If her daddy's poor just do what you feel

You barsteds... with yer friday off tomorrow....

I'm gonna take this here post an lay it square on the side your head.


Cuase i'm bump ing this b!@tch next tuesday.... muhahahahahah

I'm off to the movies tonight, yeah, you heard me, 6th time in the past 11 years. Seeing Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter with a sci-fi group. Yes, I am really pathetic, but hey I am trying to meet folks in my new area, and the premise is at least original.

I mean it's gotta beat: Um... okay. How about this - Adam Sandler is like, in love with some girl, but then it turns out that the girl is actually a ...golden retriever, or something.

Oh, perfect! We'll call it Puppy Love!

Drove the pimp car to work today. Since I'm still "new" here, I get surprised looks rolling into the parking lot as most have only seen me in my beater.

Upcoming events: Moving on Saturday, flying to TX on Monday for the week.
I'm going to TX in March, does that count?
Where in TX? Is the AK trip before or after this? So I just had an idea. There should be an travel group. People could go on trips together. There's a ton of places I want to go, but not alone.

I am in the same boat. Did a lot of traveling with the Desolate One but now have no one to roll with. We used to extend 3 day weekends into 4-5 days and take little mini-trips to places. Found cheap flights and stayed in campgrounds or Motel 6's, so it didn't cost much.

I will be in extreme NW Texas at Guadelupe Mtns Natl Park. My mom is hitting senior citizen age in January, and I told her I'd use some of my frequent miles and take her somewhere on her bucket list while she can still get around well. (She is outdoorsy too) She wanted to see the desert southwest, specifically the saguaros. Also going to hit Carlsbad Caverns while there. She gets a trip she always wanted, I get 3 more national parks and state #41.

I love the idea of the EB Adventure Club, but I think agreeing on dates and time and destinations will be like nailing jello to a tree.

I don't think it'd be that hard for smaller groups. Just depends on the location I guess. I try to take weekend trips whenever possible unless I'm going somewhere farther away. Last Saturday my brother and I drove up to the northern edge of the lower peninsula. We went to Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. Even tho it was just a day trip, it was still awesome. It's hard finding people who are willing to do that kind of thing. I've been traveling to places where I have friends I can stay with recently, but don't want to limit myself to that. This winter I'd like to go skiing at least once and also have wanted to climb a frozen waterfall.

slacker whats your "pimp" ride? is it a slammed to the ground 94 lexus with bronze wheels with dice hangin from the mirror? hahahaha

(lol im sure someone on here will have one and i will offend!)

I don't think it'd be that hard for smaller groups. Just depends on the location I guess. I try to take weekend trips whenever possible unless I'm going somewhere farther away. Last Saturday my brother and I drove up to the northern edge of the lower peninsula. We went to Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. Even tho it was just a day trip, it was still awesome. It's hard finding people who are willing to do that kind of thing. I've been traveling to places where I have friends I can stay with recently, but don't want to limit myself to that. This winter I'd like to go skiing at least once and also have wanted to climb a frozen waterfall.
I hiked up a glacier once, does that count? Day trips rock, I used to love day trips to Cape Ann in Mass and overnighters in the Ogunquit area in Maine.

slacker whats your "pimp" ride? is it a slammed to the ground 94 lexus with bronze wheels with dice hangin from the mirror? hahahaha

(lol im sure someone on here will have one and i will offend!)
1996 Chevy Impala SS. Black. Still stock looking on the outside. No show, but a little go.
