"Good Evening. How's it going? Listen girls, ah, as"I don't want to hear any more about anyone blowing anything out of their ass.""Why do Chet's kids look at him like he's Zeus, and my kids look at me like I'm a rack of yard tools at Sears"
your father I feel it incumbent upon me to set the
record straight on the validity of the tale that
Uncle Chet shared with us this evening. I know that
a terrifying story like that, coming from the mouth
of a recognized authority figure, can be traumatizing
for kids like yourselves. I know that because I had
a similar experience with my Uncle Roy and a story he
used to tell about a family that went into the woods
and was attacked by a band of escaped army psychiatric
patients who had been subjected to violent, hellish,
torturous behavior modification experiments. It seems
they escaped from the metal boxes the army kept them
in, found this family in the woods, fell upon them,
slaughtered them and ate them. Now, that story gave
me nightmares not to be believed. I don't want Uncle
Chet's bear story to upset you in the same way. I'm
here to say that there actually is no bear and that
all of what Uncle Chet was saying was just a yarn
spinning for our entertainment."