It's Friday!!!!

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<--- N/A

Oh Yes Indeed, It's Fun Time

'Cause You Can't, You Won't And You Don't Stop

MCA Come And Rock The Sure Shot

My theme music today...

Don't go to the big box stores to get one, but when I painted the basement I bought a 24" roller from a paint store, it was about $65 bucks, but as long as you are good with covering the floors and cutting in the edges it makes painting go so much faster! I tried a cheap one at home depot that wa to flimsy, but it was one of my more brilliant ideas(that someone told me to do and I took credit for)

I spent my Friday off of work working my ass off around the house. I hauled 1.5 yards of dirt for some raised beds that I built, mowed the back yard, and then scrubbed the tile and grout in the dining room. I'm beat. I'll definitely be having some beers tonight.

Don't go to the big box stores to get one, but when I painted the basement I bought a 24" roller from a paint store, it was about $65 bucks, but as long as you are good with covering the floors and cutting in the edges it makes painting go so much faster! I tried a cheap one at home depot that wa to flimsy, but it was one of my more brilliant ideas(that someone told me to do and I took credit for)
If only my rooms had walls big enough for that to be useful... the rooms with the big walls are painted via my handy dandy auto-pump-roller thingy-ma-jig... now I'm doing all those rooms that are too small to even want to paint... but I will def keep that in mind if I ever buy another house :) or if who ever rents this place screws it up as bad as our last rental property....

I spent my Friday off of work working my ass off around the house. I hauled 1.5 yards of dirt for some raised beds that I built, mowed the back yard, and then scrubbed the tile and grout in the dining room. I'm beat. I'll definitely be having some beers tonight.
That reminds me of how little I'm looking forward to ripping out all the bushes in front of my house and buying a buttload of mulch for around the tree in the backyard.

^^^ I've got ~5000 sf in the backyard that I will need to get finished this spring. Im just planning on installing sod, a sprinkler system, and a rock border, but I know it will whoop my ass...

Supe, I had some very old red tips in the front yard that had to go when we moved here, so I took my old jeep and ran an old rappelling rope through each one a couple times and yanked them all out with the jeep, you could use a truck or any vehicle, but it was much faster than actually digging, and a lot funner too...

Supe, I had some very old red tips in the front yard that had to go when we moved here, so I took my old jeep and ran an old rappelling rope through each one a couple times and yanked them all out with the jeep, you could use a truck or any vehicle, but it was much faster than actually digging, and a lot funner too...
I did that once too.... except it was to my POS truck.... but totally funner :)

I just need to make sure that the roots from a few of them haven't decided to make their way beneath my sidewalk. Otherwise, some chain and my Silverado ought to do the trick. Same story all across the neighborhood. Contractors who built the homes planted bushes that grew too big for the area, so they'd cut them down so much over the years to trim them that they're all dead on two or three sides. And apparently the previous homeowners must have been a fan of roses (barf), because they put one scraggly-ass rose bush between these huge bushes right smack in front of the house. I just need to find a good nursery that'll give me a decent layout for whatever is going in its place.
