It's Friday!!!!

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I hope everyone has a really great work week. :thumbs:


I'd enjoy it a lot more if I didn't have to travel for work on f*cking Sunday.

Boss is out of the office today.  It's a cold day outside and I'm tired.  Wake me up when my shift is done so I can go home.

Parent-teacher-student meeting today at lunch.  Too much fun.  Not going back this afternoon. :poop2:

Holy crap my Friday was crazy! Drove around shuffling kids to school/therapy/horse riding lessons (in foggy rainy weather). Then about an hour after getting home, the weather hit, hail/tornados and all! Yep, it was a "fun" Friday.

Then we got out for sushi and king cake when we thought the weather had passed, and ended up getting stuck out on the road in another bad cell.

And that will likely be the most adventurous thing we do all weekend.

Hope you all had a great Friday!

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Thanks Mike. I'm just happy to be in the "PE club" with engineers like you.
