X2. I'm determined to get the bathroom paint/caulk touched up and finish the paint in the kitchen before Thanksgiving. Not much left really, I have some touch up under the crown in the kitchen where it looks ******, and then the toe boards in the bathroom need a coat of semigloss white. If I'm feeling really motivated, I'll do the crown in the bedroom and fix the drywall crack near the door while I'm at it.TGIF...too bad a weekend of home improvement lies ahead of me.
:blink:I think tomorrow might be my Friday. Or Sunday. . . which really would be Monday so my Friday wouldn't be until next Wednesday.
I might have felt bad for you if you hadn't bumped this thread early last week.Maybe for you, but some of us still have to come into work on RF (Real Friday). :redface:
Sorry to have to do this, but IT'S FRIDAY for me.