Interview tips

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RG - The previous one was for structures. While *technically* it was the position I held on the previous project, the one advertised was more for design but my background is in construction.

On the "stability" side of things, it's a 2-headed beast. It's only perceived as more stable because it's downtown, but it's still a "project" position. If there isn't enough park-n-ride work out there I could be shipped off with relatively little warning (especially since I would potentially be one of the lesser experienced designers). In a way my current position I at least know isn't going away for another 15+ months (more than enough time to get vested in the retirement).

The new position certainly has the potential to open more doors, meet new people, etc. and could become the "breath of fresh air" that leads to a much longer tenure with the company. On the flip side, if my boss finds that I'm applying for other work I fear it could be just that much more weight on the wedge pushing me out the door.

As things stand, I'm expecting to have to find another job within the next year or so (235 more days until I'm vested).

I'm tempted to throw my name into the mix just to see how things play out. I could learn more about the position through the interview process and make a decision then.

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I would think since your on a project position he would understand if you were looking to transfer within the same company?

I have never really had a boss with an adversarial relationship but I don't think it would hurt to talk to him about what your plans are?

Have you heard of the purple line job coming up in DC next year? whomever wins that, they are going to be paying people some major money to move to DC for 2-3 years to work on that. I believe its a $3 billion dollar transit job.. there are some roadway aspects - I have told my current company (who is bidding on it) its Design Build Finance Operate Maintain, that for the right "deal" to consider me interested.. but your transit experience would look pretty sweet to whomever wins that job I would imagine

I vote you go for it. then we can complain about the traffic together..

I am waiting....

In the meantime, I have an outside recruiter that is recruiting me for the Chief Information Officer for the company I am currently working for. I may take him up on responding, and see what happens. I wonder if it matters that I am already working for the company. It would be taking 10 steps up salary wise. Everyone in the company already knows me, so that isn't an issue.

Forgot to update this. I didn't apply. Didn't feel like this would really be the solution I'm looking for. The Tuesday after the deadline I got an email from the recruiter saying she didn't see my resume and was following up, so I called her and after a short conversation I learned that they really didn't get very many good applications and that she thought I stood a good chance at getting it if I wanted it. I explained that being downtown would generate a handful of logistic issues for me (mostly the cost of parking and the longer commute), and that I felt that the position could be a step backwards since it's CAD work designing parking lots. She understood my concerns by assured me that the position was more than that and I should submit my resume just to see how things go. So I did. And now I'm waiting for a call back.

Plus that means someone other than the recruiter wanted you. Trust me- it's wonderful to switch to a job where they like you.

wear a nice business suit but wear the leather bikini underneath in case it's a casual office.

No word. There are 2 positions open, and the recruiter said they are focusing on the other one first.

I am interviewing tomorrow for the Indian Health Service "tribal utility consultant" position in Bremerton, Washington. This is the same job I was initially rejected for due to the "Indian Preference" clause a month ago or so. I guess the Native American candidate didn't work out.

It would be an awesome job and a beautiful location (Port Angeles is available as an alternative office), but I have been told they have reduced the pay grade ("billet") on these positions to my current grade (O-4), which would be a big hit against me when I come up for promotion to O-5 next year. So unless they can move the position up to the next grade, I would probably be dumb to take it, since I am currently in an O-5 billet. I've been advised to ask them to raise the position to a "district utility consultant", which would be an O-5, but that may not be something they have the discretion to do.

Plus, I recently made a decision that I should stay put and be happy where I am, after talking with my boss (retired O-6), my wife, and my other mentor here (active duty O-6). We have positions that are envied throughout the USPHS, and I was recently told by EPA that they would move me into an O-6 position out here when the time came, because they want me to stay (so nice to be loved....)

But I might as well give it a shot - job mobility is important in the USPHS and there aren't many better places than the Olympic peninsula. If they can meet my terms, this might be a tough decision... I'm studying for the interview today, and it helps that I know the guy giving the interview - he worked in American Samoa for a while for EPA and I met him on a few occasions to trade notes etc.

I don't know whether to ask to wish me luck, or wish me to bomb the interview...

0-6 pay is fatty money!!!!!

But it may be nice to enjoy some modern conviences also? I dont know where that city is, its probably the boondocks , but you might be at an hour drive to a "super target" or a stadium seating movie theatre?

Tell me about it! My friend the O-6 pulls in about twice what I do.

Bremerton is a big town, with a big Navy ship yard, so plenty of shopping plus military amenities. It's also just a 30-min ferry ride to downtown Seattle, I am told. Port Angeles is up on the tip of the Olympic Peninsula and a tourist town, where the entrance to Olypmic National park is.

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