Interview tips

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thanks and yeah flying there on the 13th, hope to be able to squeeze in seeing a few people. have to do one of those "dinners" with the big bosses and all that bullshit....

I have my interview with the City of Aspen next Wednesday afternoon. Any tips from those who currently work and have previously worked with a government? I'm not quite sure what to expect. My interview with Pitkin County earlier this year involved me taking pretty generic questions from about 5 interviewers. I got an offer out of that one, and I did zero prep, just went in with the attitude of having a conversation. I'm doing more prep work for this one, because it is a job that I really would like to get. Thanks for any help!


Seems like through my marathon of government interviews, standard questions are

tell us about a time you worked on a critical project and how you added value to it

Questions about working with the public and elected officials

What are your personal scheduling tools you use to keep up with tasks

Why do you want to work here? Usually they like to hear some bullshit about how you like working in your community yada yada yada

Usually they'll ask about how many people you have supervised, your familiarity with the typical government progressive discipline etc.

Good luck, I would imagine you're sitting pretty good for it since you already live there?

^ good list.

I would look on the City website for their capital improvement plan and any studies going on. Looks like some complete streets concept:

How do you coordinate with the county and the state? operations and maintenance? are you familiar with those damn bicycles?

funding mechanisms,from the city and fed money thru the DOT (skip that tip / stip stuff, nobody cares about that)

sorry about Commerce City RG, that makes no sense. and should we wish you good luck in GA?

Good luck in GA RG. I want to spend a weekend on your new yacht.

Well it'll probably be a used see ray 340

;) . But all will be welcome

But yes wish me luck because without some leverage I won't be able to stay here

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Its just Like a car with two engines, change the oil, fluids, new bottom paint every 5 years, etc...

Best maintenance for a boat is to use it!

Wife is totally on board if this works out and 2 of 3 kids are too... Im actually hoping that it does to be honest.. Tired of being house poor...

We'll have to send the wife and kids on a weekend retreat during the EB hookers and blow booze cruise.


Its just Like a car with two engines, change the oil, fluids, new bottom paint every 5 years, etc...

Best maintenance for a boat is to use it!

Wife is totally on board if this works out and 2 of 3 kids are too... Im actually hoping that it does to be honest.. Tired of being house poor...
How "Used" are you talking, because I looked up used prices and they were north of $125k for a 6-8 year old model. I guess if you are looking at older ones the price comes down a lot.

Defin will MA!

Im looking at ones from 10-15 years old. I don't need granite countertops in the kitchen and stainless appliances. In north Alabama and Tennessee there seems to be plenty in the $30k to $45k range.

Its the $350 a month slip fees that will suck. But i can keep driving an older car..

Thanks for the tips. I had already gone through the City's Capital project plans, since I am hoping to get the Project Manager position in the Engineering department that will oversee those projects. The City is also looking to build a new City Hall (City Departments are currently spaced across three buildings). Guess who wrote the geotechnical investigation for the new project?

Thanks for the tips. I had already gone through the City's Capital project plans, since I am hoping to get the Project Manager position in the Engineering department that will oversee those projects. The City is also looking to build a new City Hall (City Departments are currently spaced across three buildings). Guess who wrote the geotechnical investigation for the new project?

