Interview tips

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I have to call my funding agency folks today (EPA) and give verbal notice, which I am dreading because I've been working with some of them since 1998. I am sure they will understand, but I'm worried there will be some hard feelings with some, that I am abandoning the program or something. I've been very careful to lay out the case for this move over the past year or more, emphasizing the craziness and instability at the utility on the one hand, and on the other the restrictions on my duties that EPA's attorneys have created. So I don't think they'll have too hard of a time, but I really want to keep this door open to return some day.

^ how did that go?

I asked a coworker in Fairbanks about the schools. He also suggested looking near the University (like akwooly), and sticking to the West side of town. He didn't really elaborate except to say there's a divide between the east and west of town and that he'd be happy to talk to you about the schools, etc.

He also suggested that you get your car situation figured out asap! He said a lot of people move there and put off getting their car winterized and then winter hits and they can't get an appointment. Sounded like there was a lot involved. Are you bringing a car?

My calls to my EPA folks went well. They are both enthusiastic about the idea of me returning to the Pacific in a few years. Actually, me and my wife - she is just as if not more valuable to them, being the "state" water quality laboratory certification officer out here. Her departure's going to really hurt this place, actually.

I'm not bringing a car. I brought both of mine in to the Toyota dealer this week to service them and get them ready to sell, and the maintenance department manager told me it would be a bad idea to ship an older car from the tropics to Alaska, because it's never had a chance to run in the cold and probably will have a lot of problems. So hopefully I can get some good cash off my cars to help offset a new vehicle. I'm thinking of either going totally west side and getting a Subaru, or east side and getting a big Chevy truck with moose bars, winch, and toolbox. (and gun rack!). We'll probably just get one car for now, and then maybe a mid-life crisis snowmobile or something like that for me to use.

Maybe I will take you up on you offer to talk to someone about schools. Ask him for now, if you don't mind, which school he would send a boy starting 6th grade to. That will be a good focus for looking for a house.

If people in AK drive Subarus don't tell me, i don't want my image of the final frontier tarnished anymore than it already is... ;)

Although i imagine the idea of a AK liberal is a little different than a NY Liberal...

Some good info in that thread. But a little scary! I just have to find ways to spin this stuff as "fun" and "an adventure" to my wife and son.

We told my wife's parents today, and our housekeeper. The housekeeper cried, the parents were understanding, but my wife was feeling pretty bad. They complained that her other sisters are irresponsible, and my wife is the only one who really helps them. Ugh.

mr snick had a Skype interview on Monday, since we were out of town when they doing the local facetoface interviews the week before. They apparently offered someone else the job on the spot last week but still wanted to talk to mr snick about a different position that was opening up. talk about a WTF momment...nothing like lets talk about a position that you haven't seen the description for.

he hasn't seen the official job description yet, but from the conversations it didn't sound like something he was interested in.

I just had a promotional interview out in Grand Junction for a job in Summit County. I felt like I rocked the interview, but then the appointing authority didn't look me in the eye when we shook hands at the end. After looking over my shoulder to see if RG was waiting to go in next I had the 4 hour drive back with just my brain keeping me company and now I'm not sure of anything.

If nothing else it's a pretty awesome drive on company time and I got to party in GJ last night!

hopefully the mtn gods will smile on you! & No I think I am done with CDOT jobs for a while 4 strikes and I am out!
