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mr snick is in talks about a new job, same thing he does now just with a competitor company. He has had two phone interviews. one with HR and the other the would be boss lady. They wont tell him if it is a new position or a backfill sort of thing or give more specifics on the coverage area, they are claiming privileged info since he currently works for a competitor. if he gets further along in the process they better share that info because it could be the difference in taking the job and walking away.

I received the official "contingent" job offer Saturday, accepted it verbally, and informed my boss today. Looks like we will be moving to Alaska!

The "contingency" is me passing the background check, which should not be a problem.

I think the reality of this is just now hitting my wife. She has been enthusiastic so far, but she hasn't told her parents yet and I think she's freaking out about it now....

I received the official "contingent" job offer Saturday, accepted it verbally, and informed my boss today. Looks like we will be moving to Alaska!

The "contingency" is me passing the background check, which should not be a problem.

I think the reality of this is just now hitting my wife. She has been enthusiastic so far, but she hasn't told her parents yet and I think she's freaking out about it now....
Congrats Dleg: I hope the transition goes smoothly. Thta's a pretty big bomb your wife needs to drop on her parents. I hope that goes well too.

Congrats Dleg!!!

Won't you be getting some of that yearly AK resident oil money now??

I received the official "contingent" job offer Saturday, accepted it verbally, and informed my boss today. Looks like we will be moving to Alaska!

The "contingency" is me passing the background check, which should not be a problem.

I think the reality of this is just now hitting my wife. She has been enthusiastic so far, but she hasn't told her parents yet and I think she's freaking out about it now....
Congrats dleg! I think the same happened to both me and my wife with our recent move. We had discussed it ad-nauseam, but once it became "real", it was a bit more stressful. I wish you and your family the best of luck, and be sure to wave at me when you fly by!

Being a little envious of dleg i was checking out the fairbanks wiki page- they have one of the highest (per capita) crime rates in the country?

Is that just for months if total darkness in the winter when people run out of food and start clubbing people for their freezer stash?

Shhh don't tell my wife when you see us in August (we're goign to see you in Denver, right?)

I read that somewhere but read that, like most places, the crime is really restricted to a certain segment of the population and the specific areas where they hang out. You should ask this in the Garage so akwooly can respond, because I'm curious, too.

I've had a good hour or so of internet, enough to Google Earth-tour around my future office. I see Home Depot, Wal mart, Sam's Club, etc. So I think running out of frozen meat won't be an issue. The place looks like the big city compared to where I've been living for the last 20 years.

Yes you are on our calendar- my cell is 770-403-7727 -

One thing we did when moving here was i made the family watch all those cheeseball skiing movies- tried to get them in the mood that they will be 90 miles away from something that most people have to pay thousands of dollars to experience..

I think it would be cool to try and embrace the cold up there, get a snowmobile for rides around town, i think the fishing and hunting would be unreal. Im 6 years away from kids finishing school and then i really want to find some local government or cdot job in the mountains . I am done with suburbia...

Pick up a copy of Mystery, Alaska and watch it with the family.

It's actually an entertaining movie but really the only twom local activites they show are hockey and sex. I peg it as a PG-13. My wife got it when my son was playing hockey and we watched it with our 8-9 year olds. I gave her a WTF look when someone started going down on someone in a truck.

That aside it's a entertaining fictional story about a local small remote town pond hockey team playing a game against the NY Rangers.
