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Congrats Ble!

I hope that the resignation goes smoothly!

I'm sure you're going to get "layed" soon. Pun intended.

Congrats Ble. Now starts the wild ride. I hope things go well for all the Ble's!!

Thanks MA! I hope so too.

Ble, this is huge! It's got to be a bit mind boggling. My girlfriend and I have been talking about her moving here for a couple years and that seems like an upheaval, but it's only 900 miles and I'm already established here. A 4500 mile move to a new place with kids, kind of reminds me of immigrants making the journey from Europe (which is actually closer to the US than you are from Hawaii).

That's the truth! In all honesty, the fire has been a blessing for us at this point. All of our stuff has already been moved out of the house and been boxed up for us. We've already started going through what we can and selling things that we don't need anymore. In addition to that, we've been learning how to live with less because we're living with my parents, so I think we are well positioned to make as smooth of a transition as you can expect when moving half a world away.

Congrats Ble!

I hope that the resignation goes smoothly!

I'm sure you're going to get "layed" soon. Pun intended.


I hope my midlife crisis goes as smoothly as yours, but I don't intend trying to burn down the house first. ;)

Congratulations! This is exciting!

Best of luck!

Too bad your moving before I can finish my book I am writing "So you want to uproot your family and move half way across the Country"....

And don't forget the guest room...
Maybe I can write a few chapters for you in a few years.

I hope my midlife crisis goes as smoothly as yours, but I don't intend trying to burn down the house first. ;)

Congratulations! This is exciting!
Thanks and it is exciting (and kinda scary)! We're ready for it though!

Awesome news Ble! That's going to be quite the adventure in the coming weeks, needless to say. Best wishes in the transition.

Resignations aren't too bad IMO. Really depends on your direct supervisor. I made it a point to clean out my personal stuff from my work area and back up all my data prior to dropping the proverbial "bomb". ;)

^Yea, I've already started the backup process. I'm not too concerned with them making me leave when I turn in my notice, but it has happened here before. The situation was a bit different though because the employees in question were going to a major competitor whereas I'm not. I really think that they will keep me the entire 2 weeks since I'm in the process of closing out our current project and they will need someone to transition into that role. We'll see.

Good luck Ble and see you in Hawaii! (Maybe I can make it there for an AWWA conference or something)

This is great news Ble, congrats! This will be a great change for you and your family. (And for us vicariously)

It's sure to be stressful at time, but you always have the basement to vent in, and this really looks like a great fit for you. Unlike the move I made, or RG's, it sounds like you have a great job lined up which really helps. Go for the quality of life. Seize it!

Thanks everyone! The reality is starting to sink in and now the stressing about moving is coming on. It's especially hard/frustrating because we don't have access to all of our stuff because of the fire. Mrs. ble has been getting some things delivered to the house so that we can start going through them and selling some stuff, but so far it's been a drop in the bucket.

I'm also stressing about when to give my notice. Part of me wants to give 3 weeks notice because the role that I'm in right now is going to be hard to fill without ample time to transition because I've been making a lot of decisions without input from anybody else, so I don't want to drop something in someone's lap without proper explanation. On the other hand, I'm well aware of the reasons not to give more than the standard 2 weeks, so I'm not sure what to do. Any one have any suggestions or past experience that you could share?

are you taking any time off between jobs to move and get settled? If you gave them 3 weeks and they sent you packing that day would you guys be able to swing it? I would lean towards giving longer notice, but you know best what your company might do and what you guys can handle.

I'm planning on taking 2 weeks off in between jobs to give me time to get things in order. I currently have ~5 weeks of vacation time saved up, so theoretically they could let me go when I give my notice and I'd be covered, but I'd prefer to work the notice. In my time here, they have let people work their notice out unless they were going to a competitor and this job isn't with a true competitor, so I really don't think they will make me leave right away. I've got a week to decide if I want to give 3 weeks notice, but right now I have no idea.

You will feel some relief once you give your notice. I think since your making a major move they shouldn't take it personally- I would lean towards giving 3 weeks or more just to get that monkey off your back.. But depending on how you feel your work will treat you once you give notice..

The best thing we did was have a roll off dumpster delivered. Your going to want to lose all emotional attachment to things with a move like this and will need to purge more than you would for an in town move.. I remember feeling a little bad about tossing things but in the end it will save you time if you throw away some stuff and not try and sell every thing.

We did two major garage sales and then got rid of big stuff via craigslist (piano, 55 gallon fish tank, desks, sofas etc) most people at garage sales will buy the cheap stuff. But we advertised our moving sales on Craigslist and we had those vulchers that own thrift shops came very early that day trying to get all our good stuff on the cheap. It was petty annoying so for the 2nd garage sale we didn't advertise on Craigslist. That in itself is a full time

Job (selling stuff)

After two garage sales and months of craigslist I probably took 10 or more trailer loads to goodwill. Just lost time trying to sell stuff...

The day we actually moved I didn't have room for all my ladders and my grill. It sucked but my neighbors daughter had just gotten married so we gave it all to them. I wish I would have rented a u haul trailer for the final move here to put odds and ends in like that.

One thing that I think is good for you is your kids being in elementary school is that you will be able to make "adult friends" pretty quick. Seems there is always so much going on at that age (baseball, cub scouts, etc) you meet lots of people. The weirdest thing to me here is that we go to school events and still don't really know anyone. Once they are in middle school and high school most all that goes away.. It's not all bad but it's still weird to me...

3 weeks is more than enough Ble. Your work treated you pretty good. Do them a solid and give them 3.

You will feel some relief once you give your notice. I think since your making a major move they shouldn't take it personally- I would lean towards giving 3 weeks or more just to get that monkey off your back.. But depending on how you feel your work will treat you once you give notice..

The best thing we did was have a roll off dumpster delivered. Your going to want to lose all emotional attachment to things with a move like this and will need to purge more than you would for an in town move.. I remember feeling a little bad about tossing things but in the end it will save you time if you throw away some stuff and not try and sell every thing.

We did two major garage sales and then got rid of big stuff via craigslist (piano, 55 gallon fish tank, desks, sofas etc) most people at garage sales will buy the cheap stuff. But we advertised our moving sales on Craigslist and we had those vulchers that own thrift shops came very early that day trying to get all our good stuff on the cheap. It was petty annoying so for the 2nd garage sale we didn't advertise on Craigslist. That in itself is a full time

Job (selling stuff)

After two garage sales and months of craigslist I probably took 10 or more trailer loads to goodwill. Just lost time trying to sell stuff...

The day we actually moved I didn't have room for all my ladders and my grill. It sucked but my neighbors daughter had just gotten married so we gave it all to them. I wish I would have rented a u haul trailer for the final move here to put odds and ends in like that.

One thing that I think is good for you is your kids being in elementary school is that you will be able to make "adult friends" pretty quick. Seems there is always so much going on at that age (baseball, cub scouts, etc) you meet lots of people. The weirdest thing to me here is that we go to school events and still don't really know anyone. Once they are in middle school and high school most all that goes away.. It's not all bad but it's still weird to me...
Mrs. ble has been selling stuff like crazy through a local facebook site and has already made a decent chunk of change. Our neighborhood is have a community yard sale in a couple of weeks, so we're trying to get things ready for it as well. We're also planning to donate quite a bit to Goodwill as well. One thing that we are doing is storing some things at my in-laws house for the time being. Like I said, the worst is that we don't have access to most of our stuff without calling up the restoration company and making them bring things out to us.

3 weeks is more than enough Ble. Your work treated you pretty good. Do them a solid and give them 3.
This is really what I'm leaning toward right now. I'm in the process of trying to get the ball rolling on somethings that need to be done soon for the project so that I can possibly finish them up before I leave.

What's the deal with giving no more than 2 weeks notice these days? Around here, 30 days notice is common, but maybe that's just because positions usually have to be filled by recruiting someone from the mainland, in which case even 180 days isn't enough.

Just curious. I've never heard anyone advise to not give any more than 2 weeks, and I'd like to know why.

I assume its in case they fire you the day you hand in your notice so you are not out of income for more than that (usually what most people have in vacation)

also most people are not actually even guaranteed their annual leave / PTO when they quit. I have known a few asshole employers (big companies) that have denied paying you your leave when you quit.

Probably because most don't have the $ or vacation time to cover more than that if they are asked to leave immediately.

I think the notice is a direct reflection of your relationship and support given by the employer. The better the relationship the more time you should give.

I've also heard a general rule of thumb is to give one week notice per year worked (2 week minimum).

^I was going to say that, about the relationships. I think I gave 45 or even 60 days notice on my last job, because even though I had a horrible relationship with the deputy director there (the anti American guy), I was doing so many things that they needed to have done that there was no way they were going to push me out early.

One week per year? That would have been over three months notice I should have given them, I guess, and around here I don't think that would be a problem.

Truthfully, once you turn your notice in even if they really like you no one wants to see you around much more than three weeks
