Interview tips

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LOL - Yes I did get an interview but I didn't get the job, would have been fun working with Dex and eating mater sandwiches together at lunch...

I was a white male applying for a government job- you know how that ended up! ;) the hired the female..

LOL - Yes I did get an interview but I didn't get the job, would have been fun working with Dex and eating mater sandwiches together at lunch...

I was a white male applying for a government job- you know how that ended up! ;) the hired the female..
An annoying as $hit female...

Just turned in my notice. My last day is May 29. My boss was very understanding and told me that he's sorry to see me go but he wishes me the best of luck. He also said that if I want to come back to let him know. It's a relief to have that over with and I've already discussed it with most of the department here as well. I've already got two phone numbers from people to give them a call if we need anyone else out there...

Now it's on to the stress of getting the move figured out. In a month I'll be in Hawaii!!

Its always good to get that part behind you! now on to the *(@#&$#(@)&*#* stressful part! (actually moving)

And it's always nice to know that you didn't royally pi$$ anyone off or burn any bridges with your current employer. Keeps a few doors open at least and is also good for networking IMO. Best wishes in the coming weeks Ble. :thumbs:

Just found out the job is mine if I want it. The HR lady is taking tomorrow off, so I don't have to give an official answer until Tuesday.

Congrats and best of luck with the decision- I think you do have to look long term for options!
