I'm going home

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Of course, 95% of QC inspectors decided to take the day off, so I'm the one stuck climbing in the pipe racks everywhere.

I got an ugly response to letter I submitted to my local regulatory agency that requires quick resolution on my part. Does that make you feel any better Supe? :)


I screwed up the legal description on an agreement. Right now I'm the only one in the office...I think my co-worker is coming back from lunch.

I got an ugly response to letter I submitted to my local regulatory agency that requires quick resolution on my part. Does that make you feel any better Supe? :)

Don't feel so bad. Some testing I did shows that there may need to be a redesign on some nuclear containment walls!


I got to go flying today. Spent almost two full hours in the clouds. I'm now officially in Holiday Mode!

I'm home today. My daughter in college is home and we're making pies this afternoon.
now there's a good time. I might bail early today. The older son is back from college, so I need to get home and annoy him.
You two are gonna bake pies together?

Bacon and cheese pie with a beer battered crust?

I ended up helping the wifey-wife bake some pumpkin pies and prep for tomorrow's dinner with my parents (they're coming over to our house). Also cleaned the bathroom (cat hair is a pain in the ace), did some booze shopping, and took a nap. Pretty productive day.

^Storm sewer? Cool picture. Is that the pipe you climbed into?

I'm home already - I live in the future. Prepping the turkey and it's going in the oven in less than 1 hour.

I screwed up the legal description on an agreement.
That's easy - say it was a scrivener's error and file an amended page. :)

Right now I'm the only one in the office...I think my co-worker is coming back from lunch.
My supervisor was in the office all day with me - we didn't leave until 6:30PM EST. I was like - um, I think we can leave these unresolved issues for next week. :please:

[Hey, I got lucky and got to climb in a pipe today.

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That's awesome! Looks like your pipe has settled a tad. ;)

I'm home already - I live in the future. Prepping the turkey and it's going in the oven in less than 1 hour.
Gonna provided updates for those of us that are stuck in the past? :)


^Storm sewer? Cool picture. Is that the pipe you climbed into?
Yes. We've been preparing for a court case over this since 2005. All we need is a good 9 inch rain to make the issue moot. :D

I'm home already - I live in the future. Prepping the turkey and it's going in the oven in less than 1 hour.

Darn you Dleg !!

JR: The third joint of pipe from the end is actually overturning. It's been eerily fascinating watching it over the last 4 years, slowly tumbling end-over-end.

^That's cool stuff.

Speaking of stuff, my turkey has been in the oven for 24 minutes now. 4 hours to go. I stuffed it with Stovetop cornbread stuffing this year. That's the first time I have tried actually stuffing a bird. Usually I cook the turkey empty, and cook Mississippi-style cornbread dressing from scratch, with my mother's recipe. I decided to play it lazy this year - I hope it turns out. My turkeys always come out nice and moist. I hope the stuffing doesn't change that.

Also, I'm drinking a Beck's right now, on my netbook from the kitchen table. The future weather has cleared for the time being and it's kid of hot in the kitchen now. I might have to switch on the kitchen AC.

Sounds yummy Dleg. I'm tickled that you're making cornbread dressing! You know that's almost a religion here.

Awesome Dleg!

Mrs. JR is nervously anticipating starting the turkey here. Interestingly, I was reading over the weathr forecast and it looks like I will be able to see some
pretty soon. Not until tomorrow though, which should make for an interesting Black Friday. :)


Of course, 95% of QC inspectors decided to take the day off, so I'm the one stuck climbing in the pipe racks everywhere.
Hey, I got lucky and got to climb in a pipe today.

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I love inspecting sewer outfalls, and sometimes even probing them. Some of my best work has been videotaped. Have you ever run into a blockage? Is it better to ream or hammer it?

JR, what is that white stuff? :p

I love inspecting sewer outfalls, and sometimes even probing them. Some of my best work has been videotaped. Have you ever run into a blockage? Is it better to ream or hammer it?
I would say depends upon what the blockage is. Most of them we see here can be cleared with a water jet, if the pipe is too small to get into.

We did see some strange things when I was at the City. One guy had an inlet in his back yard; evidently he thought it was some kind of trash receptacle - it was full of garbage inlcluding a spare tire and a non-working VCR. Another time the guys found a wheel in a large-diameter water line. It had lodged in a valve and they couldn't get the water to turn off there (that was their clue). They dug up the pipe and cut the valve out; that's when they found it. It was a little small wheel like from a hand truck or something.

Then we had a rain event when a man's house flooded due to a blocked storm drain. I had sent the crew out to this particular subdivision previously and asked them to trace this drain line and make sure it was all clear. They had done a reasonably good job, but there was one junction box which wasn't apparent because the homeowner had set a bunch of flower pots all over it. Sure enough, that turned out to be the problem; some landscape timbers had washed into this box and gotten stuck. Subsequently a few basketballs & kids' toys washed in there and lodged onto the timbers. It was totally stopped up. We found the source of the toys (flared-end section upstream) and the mechanics made us a honkin Texas-size grate to go over it.

Sounds yummy Dleg. I'm tickled that you're making cornbread dressing! You know that's almost a religion here.
I know. My Mom and Dad are from the MS delta - Hollandale and Rolling Fork, respectively. I grew up with that stuff.

One of my favorite bridges in Miss. is the one over the Sunflower River there at Anguilla. I bet you know exactly which one I mean, too. ;)

I do. I remember the Sunflower as perfectly fitting my image of what a "river" should look like, and that image was from the Anguilla bridge. The stuff they called "rivers" out west looked like creeks to me, and the stuff they call "rivers" out here in the islands look like ditches.
