IA results

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Does anyone have any current info on when we will see our results? I e-mailed Jennifer today and got the stock 10-12 week answer. I don't understand why it takes so long to stuff a couple hundred envelopes and get the results out!!! The post last week said possibly seeing our results this week.
I had emailed the Iowa Board on June 16th to try and find out if i would have results before I moved or if I should file a change of address with the board. The response I got on 6/16 is that they hoped to have results mailed in "a week or so". Tomorrow will be 6/23 which is a "week".

So baring some small states that might not be represented on this board and California; it looks like once again Iowa is the last state to get results. The PCS states all have at least found out when the results were mailed. Maybe it is me just being impatient, but the state board needs to seriously look at the promptness of releasing these results. The current wait time is ridiculous when some states that are direct notified by NCEES have known for over three weeks now. You would think they would understand the implications this test has on people's careers.

Maybe I just needed to vent but this is frustrating!!!!!

I agree, the wait is getting to me. Before I took the test I was fully prepared to wait until the 4th of July weekend for results, but then they made the announcement that results were going to be FASTER this year thanks to a new system. So for the past couple weeks I've been waking up thinking "today HAS to be the day" only I have been wrong every time. On top of that, every time I see a new post on this thread, I think "hey someone got their IA results today!" and have a split second of hope before I read the post and see that its just another impaitent engineer to be.

Does anyone have any current info on when we will see our results? I e-mailed Jennifer today and got the stock 10-12 week answer. I don't understand why it takes so long to stuff a couple hundred envelopes and get the results out!!! The post last week said possibly seeing our results this week.
I had emailed the Iowa Board on June 16th to try and find out if i would have results before I moved or if I should file a change of address with the board. The response I got on 6/16 is that they hoped to have results mailed in "a week or so". Tomorrow will be 6/23 which is a "week".
I emailed the board a few days ago asking if the results have been mailed and have heard absolutely nothing back. Well, that's not entirely true; I received a reply the day of telling me that my message was received and that messages will be replied to in the order in which they're received. I have not received the much-anticipated follow-up, however.

What does this mean? I hope it means that the mailing of the results is imminent and they're waiting until the results are mailed so that they can reply to me in the affirmative. Or it could be that there have been so many people sick of waiting that the board is inundated with emails and they really haven't gotten to mine yet. Or it could be that they're just so sick of answering this question that they've stopped answering it. I don't know.

But yeah, I haven't even gotten the standard 10-12 week answer that others have received.

I really do wonder what IA has been doing with the test results for the last three weeks. All those PCS complainers don't know how good they have it; at least they know what's going on.

So what do you guys think-is today the day or do we get to spend another weekend in the dark?

:sharkattack:I think the IA board just likes to be state #49 to give out results because California will always be state #50. I really wish they had not told us it would be faster this time at the test then I would have been willing to wait patiently instead of being antsy these past few weeks...


So is this the week or will it be after the holiday?
From experience, don't count on it until AFTER holidays ... NO MATTER WHAT THE TOOLS FOR THE BOARD SAY!!! I have played that game last time with them.

So is this the week or will it be after the holiday?
From the Iowa Board today:

Iowa board will release information to NCEES who will then mail the results. No release date available. I'm guessing I'll see results week of July 12th. :mail-296:

So is this the week or will it be after the holiday?
From the Iowa Board today:

Iowa board will release information to NCEES who will then mail the results. No release date available. I'm guessing I'll see results week of July 12th. :mail-296:
That is just terrible. So NCEES sends the results to the Iowa board, which waits a month then sends the results back to NCEES, who then mails the results to the test-takers? That does not at all sound efficient. What on earth have they been doing?


Does anyone know which state department the board is under? This is getting to the point where I may start writing letters to some superiors.

Well at this point I REALLY hope I passed because we will likely be past the sign-up date of July 15th for the October Exam..............I have a feeling Karma has been loading up on the baked beans and fiber and is planning on unloading in my general direction mid-July.

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Does anyone know which state department the board is under? This is getting to the point where I may start writing letters to some superiors.
They are under the Professional Licensing Division of the Department of Commerce.

Does anyone know which state department the board is under? This is getting to the point where I may start writing letters to some superiors.
They are under the Professional Licensing Division of the Department of Commerce.
It is not fair that we in IOWA and other engineers in the country wait so long for the results. The test can be computerized and the results instant.

If we start talking about an independent licensing organization in the US, all the licensing boards and NCEES may start thinking differently

Well at this point I REALLY hope I passed because we will likely be past the sign-up date of July 15th for the October Exam..............I have a feeling Karma has been loading up on the baked beans and fiber and is planning on unloading in my general direction mid-July.

I really hope I passed also. This is rediculous for those who might not have passed, how in the world are they suppose to get signed up and study to take the October exam. Is the IA Board just trying to force those people to wait to take it again in April (a year after they took the last one)???


From: Morrison, Jennifer [PLD] [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, June 28, 2010 2:06 PM


Subject: RE: Principles and Practice of Engineering October 2010 Application Question

If you do not receive a passing score the July 15th date does not apply to retake applicants.



Sent: Monday, June 28, 2010 1:47 PM

To: Morrison, Jennifer [PLD]

Subject: Principles and Practice of Engineering October 2010 Application Question

Importance: High


I am currently waiting to hear the April 2010 results from IA (aka did I pass). If I did not pass I am planning on taking the exam again in October. The October applications are due on or before July 15th. What should I do if the April 2010 results will not come out until the week applications are due? Does my April 2010 application still count for the October 2010 exam? Do I have to re-apply and fill out all the paper work for the October 2010 exam?

Thank you for your assistance with this matter.

