I just switched to Geico...

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Parks and Rec

Well-known member
Jun 15, 2008
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and saved $354 (25%) a year on auto insurance.

Also switched my homeowners insurance to State Farm and saved $129 (24%).

Time for a vacation...where can i go for $483? Houston?

I had a similar experience when I switched to esurance. Not sure how thier customer service / claims response is because I have yet to need them in the 2+ years I've had them.

State Farm also covers our renters insurance. We've had them as long as I can remember. They were great to work with when our PublicStorage unit was broken into (yes, it even covered off-site storage facilities) a few years ago. They provided the support and means to get everything replaced.

I had GEICO for years and thought they were pretty good. They don't offer auto policies in Mass. (weird insurance laws here from what I've heard) so I switched to Liberty Mutual, who I have not had any dealings with (fortunately) so far.

the hubby has had state farm ins since he started driving, his parents even longer than that. we did a insurance comparsion after we got married and no one could beat state farm on the car or renters insurance (at the time). We have both cars and the house with state farm. When we get calls from other companies saying they can save us money i laugh. They ask why, and I tell them how much we pay and they go silent and then quickly end the call.

even before the hubby turned 25 his auto insurance was cheaper than mine (still is), longtime customers get better rates.

^I lost that when I switched from Geico. Not only the longtime customer, but the X number of years without incident discount.

We have both cars on Liberty Mutual, which was a firm I'd heard of that actually operates in MA, and gave us the best rate. We get a mass transit and low mileage discount on my wife's car, as she drive 1.5 miles each way to the train station all week. Neither of us have new or flashy cars, and between us we have 1 speeding ticket in the past 5 years. Still runs us about $1800/year.

We have AAA for our Auto, home, extra life, etc. They always were better as far as rates and have little to complain about, except their process of weeding out local agents and eventually moving you to a "group" number which you call into for any issues. Not nearly the offices local that there used to be.

^I lost that when I switched from Geico. Not only the longtime customer, but the X number of years without incident discount.

We have both cars on Liberty Mutual, which was a firm I'd heard of that actually operates in MA, and gave us the best rate. We get a mass transit and low mileage discount on my wife's car, as she drive 1.5 miles each way to the train station all week. Neither of us have new or flashy cars, and between us we have 1 speeding ticket in the past 5 years. Still runs us about $1800/year.

Is that for your house too? That seems insanely high. I'm young (24), single, have an '04 Corvette and an '09 Honda. I pay ~$1350/yr.

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Is that for your house too? That seems insanely high. I'm young (24), single, have an '04 Corvette and an '09 Honda. I pay ~$1350/yr.
Just straight up on the cars. We're renting right now, so the renter's insurance on the house isn't much, since it just covers our stuff, not the house. I don't know what the rates for that are.

i suspect location plays a big role too.
HUGE role. When we moved from North Aurora (east side of Denver & relatively bad neighborhood) to Parker (Southeast side & 100000X better) and nothing else changed (same cars, same driving record, etc), our rates were reduced by 25%.

I'm with Nationwide. My parents let me stay on their policy until I turned 25 (with me paying my portion of the bill after I graduated college). Then, when I went on my own policy, the agent that they have been with since before I was born transferred all of their discounts to my account. I have a long-time customer discount for having an active account for over 30 years even though I'm 29, I have a good student discount even though I am not a student nor do I have any kids, and I have the safe driver and multiple policy discount (they insure my house too). I pay about $90/month for my car, and I'm not sure how much the homeowner's is since it comes out of escrow.

We've got our house and cars with USAA. We're able to get that because wife's dad and g-dad were both military so we qualified. The rates are a lot lower than they were with Nationwide even with all the discounts I had there, i.e. longtime customer, multi-car,car & house, good driver, etc. You even get a check back for a (small) chunk of the premiums you've paid at the end of the year if you don't have any claims. Haven't had to use them but the MIL did and they seemed like their service is also first-rate.

Is that for your house too? That seems insanely high. I'm young (24), single, have an '04 Corvette and an '09 Honda. I pay ~$1350/yr.

My BEST insurance quote is through State Farm right now, and I have one prior (a speeding ticket) that occurred about 4 years ago, and I pay almost as much for my Astra as you do for both of your cars. I'm right about your age, too.

Is that for your house too? That seems insanely high. I'm young (24), single, have an '04 Corvette and an '09 Honda. I pay ~$1350/yr.
It's a MA thing. Just last year MA auto insurance got deregulated by the state. Prior to that with state oversight rates were pretty constant for all companies doing business here and they were very high. Now the rates are set by the state but they are still really high.

If you put a car on the road here with just the compulsory coverage required to drive it, you're looking at ~$800/year. Start adding coverage for the vehicle itself, factors for demographics (age/male vs female/safe driver surcharges/etc.) and it goes up pretty quickly. I have two teenage sons driving and it's ~$1500 each just so that they can have a car to drive. The whole thing stinks.

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^Ouch! Add a little on to what it costs for one of your kids and you'd have our premium for the two of us.

NY insurance rates were no bargain either. I was around $1500 or so when I got my license back in '96.
