I asked my board....

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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2007
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acquiring satelites...
...if maybe, possibly, they could, say, throw me a bone and let me know if I should, oh say, stay away from fake postings about results. This is what they said-

"Most likely the PE results won't come in until after the first of January."



^^^ My recommendation is to listen to BIO - come December 20ththis board will light up like a Christmas Tree !!!! :multiplespotting: :multiplespotting:

Just a little longer!


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BIO locks himself in a bunker all year deciphering this stuff. He's like Mel Kiper's 'big board', with less hair product.
I was right on the money the last two or three times but, you know, no one is perfect. I just hope to be on the "area" this time. I say December 20th give and take one day :mail-296: . I would not be surprise if they start to roll Wednesday 19th.

On the other hand I resent the "less hair" part of the post VT. How do you know about my lack of hair? :eek:ldman:

I just said less product in your hair, nothing about the hair itself. The guy I was comparing you to is quite coiffed.


I was kidding VT.Just trying to make my day funny. So far it sucks.

Now that I know I am happy to be the way I am. I should cost a fortune to keep that hair in that way.

I'm in Wyoming, which didn't get results until January 4th last year. I asked, "Do you think it'll be after the first of the year again?" and they said yes. Sigh.

With the free pencils, do you think they could start handing out little bottles of vallium too? Just so around December we have something to make it all better? :blink:

Is this only for the letter. I've been checking the colorado registration website daily and thought I remember being told that it will show up there prior to getting the hard copy.
Any thoughts...
There are states, like Texas, that will post the results for their candidates on the state web site. I cannot remember what Colorado does. Maybe Cement can show some light on this one. For some reason I believe Colorado is also a web result state. I am probably wrong.

The answer to your question is yes. The dates are for the Pass/Fail notification. Again, some will receive a letter from the company who gave the test(ELSES, EES,C ASTLE, etc.), others will know from their state board web site (Texas).

Is this only for the letter. I've been checking the colorado registration website daily and thought I remember being told that it will show up there prior to getting the hard copy.
Any thoughts...
I think that list has the date when the results first came out -- either by letter or by website. So it's not just for the letter.

I took the exam the first time in April of '07 in Denver. It is a little tricky. I check online at the Colorado Division of Registrations, Automatic Licensure Information System Online (ALISON). You can check your name on the Engineers/Land Surveyors Board. I went nuts last time with checking multiple times per day. I saw on the "other board" that results for Colorado had come out, and I started checking, but to no avail. Colorado assigns PE #'s prior to sending out the letter. If you check the State boards meeting times (when they assign #'s), that is probably right around the time we will discover our fate. Turns out the board cancelled the meeting that was scheduled for December 17th. :angry: I have a feeling we will know around January 11, around 11 or 12. The meeting starts at 8:30. Here's a link for the Colorado board web site: http://www.dora.state.co.us/aes/index.htm :waitwall:

I took the exam the first time in April of '07 in Denver. It is a little tricky. I check online at the Colorado Division of Registrations, Automatic Licensure Information System Online (ALISON). You can check your name on the Engineers/Land Surveyors Board. I went nuts last time with checking multiple times per day. I saw on the "other board" that results for Colorado had come out, and I started checking, but to no avail. Colorado assigns PE #'s prior to sending out the letter. If you check the State boards meeting times (when they assign #'s), that is probably right around the time we will discover our fate. Turns out the board cancelled the meeting that was scheduled for December 17th. :angry: I have a feeling we will know around January 11, around 11 or 12. The meeting starts at 8:30. Here's a link for the Colorado board web site: http://www.dora.state.co.us/aes/index.htm :waitwall:
Last time around, Oregon finally changed their policy of needing board approval of the results. I'm sure it saved us a lot of time. I wonder what they're doing this time...

West Virginia has waited until right after Christmas. It seems as if they don't want to ruin Christmas for anyone, so they mail them out the day they get back from Holiday.

Not a bad idea really. I'd have to agree with them now that I'm not waiting.

While waiting, I would have prefered the FAIL letter ASAP, didn't care if it was Christmas Eve.

I was doing so well. Not wondering about my results. Keeping busy. But now everybody's pulling fake post threads and some are wondering about results. Oh, the joy. So now I'm starting to get ansy. I even had a dream last night that i got my PE number. But I didn't like the number they gave me. Then I realized they didn't actually tell me if I really passed or failed.

I even had a dream last night that i got my PE number. But I didn't like the number they gave me. Then I realized they didn't actually tell me if I really passed or failed.
I hate that dream !!!!! :eek:ldman: :brickwall:

I had quite a few of those kinda dreams before I could claim :burgerking:

Just a little longer ....


I was doing so well. Not wondering about my results. Keeping busy. But now everybody's pulling fake post threads and some are wondering about results. Oh, the joy. So now I'm starting to get ansy. I even had a dream last night that i got my PE number. But I didn't like the number they gave me. Then I realized they didn't actually tell me if I really passed or failed.
Yikes. I had a similar dream. In my dream my letter came and it said I passed. I hope you have a better fate than the one I had at that time.

About dreams: related to april 2007 exam, I had a dream the night before of the results in which I was in my first grade school and someone said that I pass. The real real result: Failed

About NCEES: At this time (2007) their technology and efficiency should be very advanced, enough to send our results before X-mas. <_<
