That just means that in your neck of the woods for your particular disipline of engineering, engineers are expendible and not really worth much if you can so readily fire them over a non engineering related issue, its a simple supply and demand issue thats been my entire point all along, especially if there are a plethera of engineers getting shafted on compenstation, im not really bitching about it (maybe a little)
It's not an a non-engineering related issue, it's a non-professionalism issue. Plus, in case you haven't noticed, the demand is down and supply is up across the board in this country. If you want a job, let alone a fatty salary, you better be pretty damned good at what you do and be able to prove it.
but mostly just stating facts and that its really probably not a good idea for young people to get into because the money is not really there, the work is extremely difficult and requires alot of sacrafice and the pay out is really not all that,
Stating that you are stating facts does not make what you are stating factual. In fact, if you have to point out to people that your statements are factual, they are usually not.
heck I have 5 yrs experience and a PE and have not been able to break 6 figures yet let alone the 200k mark
Here's a clue, since you are obviously devoid of them. There are very few engineers that make six figure salaries with 5 years experience. All of them are in places with high costs of living (CA, NY, Chicago, etc), or they are exceptionally good at what they do. If I'm not mistaken, you are from Alaska, which has a medium cost of living and an exceptionally low tax rate (negative, I believe). You are going to need a lot more experience, or a move to higher paying region, or actually display talent instead of bitching about being underpaid in extremely long run-on sentences if you want to make that kind of money.
Then again, there's only so many times people will tell you this before they give up and report to personal attacks or attacks on your grammar or limited grasp of simple engineering concepts...which is what has happened on this forum, and apparently every other forum you have every joined.
I'm surprised you aren't a more happy person. I guess ignorance isn't bliss.