Hey I am thinking of taking the PE in Massachiusetts in October. im working on the application now. I was reading the Regulations for Massachusetts as well as some of the posts on this site, which have been very informative, if I might add. Anyway, I notices in the MAss regs that an engineer with 4 years experince and a ABET college engineering degree can take the test a Max of 2 times before they are subject to a review nad further education requirements to take the exam a third time. This is typical of Massacbusetts, at least it was with my other licenses, I noticed that most memebers here averaged at least taking the exam two times and some even more thn two times. Considering that I am relitivly rusty, I am guessin that it is going to take me a few times around before I pass. It just reality. I wanted to know if there is another state that offers the exam to which not penalized after failing the exam twice. In other words is there a state or states that allow the candid date to take the exam more than three times. I guess it is my OCD but that is just me. Anyone have any experinece with NY?