VTme, Am not sure if what you are saying is true but this I can say: nobody is going to call NCEES to confirm your allegation. It sounds stupid and am not trying to insult you here. Am just saying that is hard to believe that the max engineering organization on the planet will leave the door open to something so childish.
Not saying is not true though. As an engineer and being responsible, am not going to think that something like that can really help me in the PE test. Now, if should I be a slacker who did not prepare myself to take the test, coming crunch time would not hesitate taking that desperate measure.
Just to let you know, in the past it was said that NCEES favorite letter was C because statistically was the less common chosen option in the test. Is that true? I do not know as no one can know if what you are saying is true.
Congrats for passing.