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Spammer Emeritus
Nov 5, 2006
Reaction score
... I just poked my head into the office bathroom to see if a stall was available ... and what do I see under the stall door but the shadow of whoever was in there, very cleary jerking off! :jerkit:

I guess by just poking my head in the door, with the noisy fan running and all, whoever it was had no idea I was in there.

So I left.

What would you do?

Leave an anonymous sign taped to the door? Something classy like: "We appreciate your visit. Thank you for not cumming."

... I just poked my head into the office bathroom to see if a stall was available ... and what do I see under the stall door but the shadow of whoever was in there, very cleary jerking off! :jerkit:
I guess by just poking my head in the door, with the noisy fan running and all, whoever it was had no idea I was in there.

So I left.

What would you do?
I would try to be more careful next time. Pay attention to shadows, know... ;)

but seriously, you could have offered him a hand....hahahaha

Oh brother....

I wonder when PE-ness will respond with advice?

send an email to everone in the office and attach some sort of office policy memo that calls out the company jerking off policy.

Charge in and yell in your best John Wayne voice, "Fill your hands you sonsabitches!!!"

Muster up everyone in the office you can actually stuff into the bathroom, and when he opens the stall door, yell "surprise!"

I'm pretty confident the ookie cookie would backfire for two reasons:

A ) He's already warmed up and got a head start

B ) He's probably a repeat offender, and is unlikely to suffer performance anxiety

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I predict this thread will blow up today. By the time Dleg wakes up in his part of the world we are all going to need counseling. Particularly if VT explains what ookie cookie is. I have never heard of it but I can imagine. What in the hell goes on in offices in the south pacific that would instigate such a thing? I shudder to think.

... I just poked my head into the office bathroom to see if a stall was available ... and what do I see under the stall door but the shadow of whoever was in there, very cleary jerking off! :jerkit:
I guess by just poking my head in the door, with the noisy fan running and all, whoever it was had no idea I was in there.

So I left.

What would you do?
Sorry dude, sometimes I just have to clear my thoughts...


I believe that people like this want to be caught. Can we turn this into the strange activities in public bathrooms thread?

At my old job our bathroom was accessible to the public, and the building was at an intersection of several bus routes. So, the bus drivers would use our bathroom all the freaking time. There was one bus driver that flat out exposed himself - to everyone (entering the bathroom) - you would turn the corner and YIKES there he was: creepy, small, older bus driver dude with a GIGANTIC unit on display that you could not miss. The worst part of it was that he was looking at you to see your reaction. Really creepy, and everyone had had several encounters with that guy. But he found a loophole I suppose - what guy is going to turn in a another guy for flashing at a urinal?


We also had "the whistler", another creepy, small, old, shiny and perpetually sunburned bald guy with a beard and a pipe who whistled random notes. Had a very "out of a Stephen King Novel" feel. He seemed to loiter in there too.

To this day, I am amazed at seemingly how many guys must get off on smearing giant green boogers on the wall at eye level above urinals. Has anybody else noticed this?

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Sorry dude, sometimes I just have to clear my thoughts...


I believe that people like this want to be caught. Can we turn this into the strange activities in public bathrooms thread?

At my old job our bathroom was accessible to the public, and the building was at an intersection of several bus routes. So, the bus drivers would use our bathroom all the freaking time. There was one bus driver that flat out exposed himself - to everyone (entering the bathroom) - you would turn the corner and YIKES there he was: creepy, small, older bus driver dude with a GIGANTIC unit on display that you could not miss. The worst part of it was that he was looking at you to see your reaction. Really creepy, and everyone had had several encounters with that guy. But he found a loophole I suppose - what guy is going to turn in a another guy for flashing at a urinal?


We also had "the whistler", another creepy, small, old, shiny and perpetually sunburned bald guy with a beard and a pipe who whistled random notes. Had a very "out of a Stephen King Novel" feel. He seemed to loiter in there too.

To this day, I am amazed at seemingly how many guys must get off on smearing giant green boogers on the wall at eye level above urinals. Has anybody else noticed this?
Man, where did you work? That is disgusting. Would your employer not spring for a lock on the bathroom door. I really like working in a place where the bums can't get into the building without a key card and the bathroom is on the 3rd floor with a lock on it.
