Tank Ass
Wow that would make MI somewhere around May 29.
True dat. I have to leave on June 16th for a destination wedding. Will be gone for over a week. Can't imagine that thing sitting in my mailbox all week...Baby on June 27th so I hope the results are here by then.
YES. Although, it is a wedding, where I am a groomsmen, so I will be drinking heavily to begin with. My liver might think its worth it to get the "wedding" and "failed the PE" drunk out of the way in the same catastrophe.You need to have someone check for you if it is not there by then. But only have them call and tell you if you pass. That would kill my vacation if I found that out in the middle.
Depends on your state. After you apply, you will get a candidate agreement form that will outline anything that is considered a banned item. In MO, where I just took the PE, anything that was "bound" was allowed. Basically, a staple is not considered bound. So, I took in the practice tests, hand written notes (in a 3 ring binder), books, etc.In PE exam, does it allow to bring practice problem books?
Congrats! My wife was pregant when I was studying for the exam - my daughter was born a few days before the test - I blame the distraction on why I didnt pass the first attempt.This wait is really driving me crazy. I hope that I don't have to study in the summer too. My wife would kill me if I had to be locked in the basement for another three months. Especially since we are having a kid in June. ohh well. 1 week down 7 more to go!
Thank you very much for the information. I am in Masschusetts state. Is there any way to check the rule in MA before get the paperwork from NCEES?Depends on your state. After you apply, you will get a candidate agreement form that will outline anything that is considered a banned item. In MO, where I just took the PE, anything that was "bound" was allowed. Basically, a staple is not considered bound. So, I took in the practice tests, hand written notes (in a 3 ring binder), books, etc.In PE exam, does it allow to bring practice problem books?
Do a quick search around the forum and see if anything pops up for your state. Or, wait for the necessary paperwork from the NCEES & your state.
I hear the back seat of a Volkswagon is rather uncomfortable...Usually in the back of the Buick.........How did you guys make out?
..... oh... you're talking about the exam.... nevermind.
The "group" has been started. It's called - it's like a brotherhood (sisterhood) of all of us who have been in this situation... We need to start a group. Post PE Anonymous. Friday was test day. Saturday was a recovery day of rest and relaxation. And Sunday was like "wait, what's it like to have a life again?"
I took the exam in MA and they had no issues with bringing in sample problems or sample exams. To be honest, they didn't even care about loose things where I took it. There were people there with loose 11x17 psychrometric charts and the proctors didn't say anything.Thank you very much for the information. I am in Masschusetts state. Is there any way to check the rule in MA before get the paperwork from NCEES?