How did it go? PE Civil Construction Oct 2019

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Nov 23, 2018
Reaction score
Hi all! 

If you took the PE Civil Construction this past Friday (October 2019), I'd like to know how you did? 

The morning session was fine... a few tough ones, but overall ok. Afternoon was a time crunch! Not so confident about the afternoon session. 

My second time taking it.  The afternoon portion wasn't so daunting this time around as the first.  I actually used and tabbed out reference materials as I was studying this time.  Went a long way.  Morning went pretty well I think, missed 12 last go round, hoping this time went a bit better.  Hoping I only missed around 5.

I know for certain I had to guess on an economics question.  Knew I would blow too much time setting it up.  Didn't prepare too much for that.

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Good on you! It seems you were prepared this time. Bunch of my coworker that were second timers said both morning and afternoon were more difficult than the last time! 

If you don't mind me asking, last time overall how many correct answers did you have? Just trying to get an idea of the cut-off passing score. 


Good on you! It seems you were prepared this time. Bunch of my coworker that were second timers said both morning and afternoon were more difficult than the last time! 

If you don't mind me asking, last time overall how many correct answers did you have? Just trying to get an idea of the cut-off passing score. 

It also depends how those second timers prepared.  Did they study all material as if it was 1st time taking test, or did they focus what was on the test last time, and this time it was different topics they werent ready for. 

This is my second time taking the exam but first time Construction Depth. I think AM was more though compare to the breeze from April. I don’t know about the difficulty from last session but I know some questions couldn’t be solved in less than 15 min. The exam seems lengthy with obscure questions

Good on you! It seems you were prepared this time. Bunch of my coworker that were second timers said both morning and afternoon were more difficult than the last time! 

If you don't mind me asking, last time overall how many correct answers did you have? Just trying to get an idea of the cut-off passing score. 

45 Overall correct last time.  28 AM 17 in PM.   I feel like I've made improvements in both, major improvements in the afternoon.  Not saying much since I did so terribly, but hopefully enough to get a pass.

Just another reminder, everyone! Please don't post (or even both asking) about specific exam question content! Or in other words...

The first rule of fight club, is that you never talk about fight club.

Seriously, don't do it! Thanks for your cooperation, all!

Just another reminder, everyone! Please don't post (or even both asking) about specific exam question content! Or in other words...

The first rule of fight club, is that you never talk about fight club.

Seriously, don't do it! Thanks for your cooperation, all!
I'm glad you got my report (even with the fight club reference). Don't want the duffus who asks a dumb question to get them self as well as the person who answers their question in serious trouble with the mothership (NCEES).  I was just getting ready to re-post Don't be this guy. 

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First time taking it. I felt really good coming out of the AM. It felt very similar to the official practice exams. The PM felt okay until I hit a swath of tough questions. Panic started to set in, but a quick break settled me back in. 

I put in 5-10 hours a week starting in June and jumped it to 20 or so hours a week for the last two months. I think I’m still in awe at how quickly I went from feeling completely prepared to “what corner of hell did NCEES drag this question out of?” I really hope I am not doing this again in April. 

The AM problems were a reasonable mix of simple and complex. However, I felt the PM problems needed more time than 4 hours to solve. 

Its been 4 weeks, has everyone convinced themselves that they failed yet. i think i have but still holding a sliver of hope.

does anyone have ACI SP-4, ACI 347R, ACI MNL-15 or CMWB for sale for the test?  did you all feel like you needed this material for the depth portion? 

does anyone have ACI SP-4, ACI 347R, ACI MNL-15 or CMWB for sale for the test?  did you all feel like you needed this material for the depth portion? 
I finally just broke down and bought all of the books. This is my second time taking the exam, and I definitely could have used at least the SP-4 my first time around. I do not want to risk missing an easy question, just because I don't have the book to look up the answer. ACI 347R is included in ACI SP-4, but I purchased SP-4 and MNL-15 from If you know anyone who has an ACI membership, they offer a good discount on these books for members. I found CMWB on Amazon for around $115. I figure I should be able to sell the books eventually. 

What does everyone bring for the OSHA standards? NCEES references the 2017 standards, but they no have a 2020 set out, so 2017 is getting harder (and more expensive) to find. I know you can download them for free online, but I find the book is easier to navigate.

does anyone have ACI SP-4, ACI 347R, ACI MNL-15 or CMWB for sale for the test?  did you all feel like you needed this material for the depth portion? 
i was able to get everything except for the CMWB.  does anyone feel like it was truly needed?  i have heard from several people that they didn't use it at all but i would like a broader audiences feedback.  thanks. 


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