Happy Birthday VT!

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OH NO. It's the big 30!!!!

Happy b-day. Hope it a good one.!

Go Crazy buddy, you're old enough to realize it's the beginning of the end...



We need a "Happy Birthday" smiley with all black balloons. :p

Hope it's a good one! :happybday:

Happy birthday! I hope you can get some fun in before lights out at 8:30!

Can I close this thread?

I just found out the business class I was supposed to start tomorrow as a way to see if I wanted to continue with a full blown MBA got cancelled.

Now there's no ******* classes left that don't either start today or don't have a pre-req or aren't full.


This birthday ******* sucks a great big sweaty one. Considering my gifts were mainly going to be stuff to help me start class with.
