Get on the Map!

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The computer lab and some of the mechanical and electrical engineering facilities at my shool were located in a building adjacent to an elevated subway station.

You had a train going be in each direction every 10 minutes, on staggered schedules. It pissed me off too, because it was a law class that was interesting and kinda complicated and it was a real distraction.

The worst was when there was some construction going on near the engineering school. They must have been driving piles for 2 weeks straight. Truly miserable.

Maybe its just coincidence, but on this board and on a boating board I attend, on the Frapper map, most of the people are on the east side of the Mississippi river. The west side is much more sparcely populated.

Huh. :dunno:


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sorry I didn't reply eariler, I just read this thread.

Check me out, I am on the map. Wazup, nuttin u, nuttin, o, --- just a little message for MA_PE. I guess we won't see him on our map.
Hey..but I AM holier than YOU!!!


WTF, do you have automatic e-mail when somebody posts? I just wrote that ~ 3 minutes ago?

Was going to try to get some work done, but hell it's Friday!

and no more riddles, they impede production.

Have a good one.

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Love this board set up.

Lotsa folks chiming in this morning.

Gentlemen (and ladies if any are reading): Have a great weekend.

I'm on to you sapper. You keep adding these posts to give the illusion that segments of the board get frequent traffic and are not like "the other place".

:lol: :lol:

Oh and by the way, have a nice weekend this weekend 9/9-10

Opening day for the Pats at Gillette. I'm there baby.

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I've noticed these boards generally get a lot of traffic under one of two circumstances-

1. It is right after the exam and people are waiting for results.

2. On the other infamous board, some flamers get on and rile up the crowd (ie. Josh or Crackah)

I think we have our fair share of "flamers" :thatsgay: here, too.

not that's anything wrong with that.

We NEED more Flamers!

Ed always puts these little comparisons together showing how PPI is getting owned.... :BK:

As of 8/8 @ 9:37pm central time:

Date Began: PPI's Forum- 2/1/2002; Engineer's Forum- 4/24/2006

Total Posts: PPI's Forum- 46,544; 11,172

Days in existence: PPI's Forum- 1627; 104

Posts per day: PPI's Forum- 28.61; 107.42

Our time in existence as a percent of PPI's forum time: 6.39%

Our posts per day as a percentage of PPI's posts per day: 375.51%

Our overall post quantity as a percentage of PPI's: 24%

Although we have slowed in recent weeks, our previous momentum has kept us going.

