Get on the Map!

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<-- female engineer, West Palm Beach, FL.

(but not a native Floridian, so save the bling insults). :)

I did, but the map's, well, a little western-biased, isn't it? I'm way off the map and I have no idea how to view it, which means no one else probably can either.

I'm so disappointed.


Saipan, USA

if you zoom all the way out & I mean all the way B) you show up on the far right side.. :w00t:

Ah - there I am ... in.. the... middle of the ocean, about 12 miles offshore. Hmmm. Close enough!

Graduated UCF (live in Orlando) in 1990. Guess I am old to you guys.

Don't look it or feel it though. :true:

New on the map. First in the bluegrass state!
Boo, I just added mine. #2 for the Bluegrass State. What do you do here in the 'ville goldnwhite?
I just accepted a new job with a synthetic rubber plant on the west side as a mech. project engineer. How about you?

New on the map. First in the bluegrass state!
Boo, I just added mine. #2 for the Bluegrass State. What do you do here in the 'ville goldnwhite?
I just accepted a new job with a synthetic rubber plant on the west side as a mech. project engineer. How about you?
I work out in the east end at a civil/environmental consulting company. I would punch a nun in the face to trade jobs with you. My degree is in chemical engineering and I tried for MONTHS and MONTHS to get on at a plant in Rubbertown. I didnt get my masters degree though (due to getting married and moving away for a year) so they wouldnt even look at me without that or a few years experience.

I'm on the map ... Man I miss Florida. And I hate to say it that I used to sleep with a lot of bi-sexuals.

If you buy some girls somethings they would have sex with you. :claps:



I'm on the map ... Man I miss Florida. And I hate to say it that I used to sleep with a lot of bi-sexuals.
If you buy some girls somethings they would have sex with you. :claps:


Wow, that is a very...interesting post. Ill have to tuck that away in the old data banks.

Buy- Girls was the punch line ...

I give it :eek:ld timer: :eek:ld timer: (2 out of 5 old timers rating)

^ Fraz - try driving through West Leb when the wind is right. Between the dump and the asphalt plant, it stinks so bad sometimes you can smell it from I-89 with the windows closed.

I was just kidding. I just heard about the gas stink in NY...guess the prime suspect.

What does this mean...Rating: < 0 ( 0 ) 5 >

Was I warned??

No worries - I realize the suspected NY stench suspect.

I grew up outside NYC. I've driven the NJ Turnpike enough to realize how awful it is. I'm not at all surprised. The smell near Newark Airport is enough to make me gag.

I just meant as long as we were on the topic of stinky, drive past the dump on a windy day.

You haven't been warned. I'm not sure why that changed from the percentage scaled warning bar either. I think RG updated the board or changed some settings.
