Game of Thrones ! (HBO Mini Series) Spoilers......

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Adding Sheeran was a gift to the girl who plays Arya from the director because she's a fan of his. She didn't know he would be there and I guess he's a big fan of the show.

Instead of HBO, we have one channel dedicated to the "big" shows in the US. It has Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, etc (, and each day since the first of July they've been re-airing the entire GOT series. We DVR'd them all and started rewatching from the beginning. It's amazing how many things we missed the first time through and how so many more things were foreshadowed. There have been a few episodes where neither my wife or I remember full scenes (especially in seasons 3 and 4). We just got through the Mountain vs Viper episode last night (S4 ep.8), but did jump ahead and watch the new episode too.

Reading back through some of the older posts RE: Arya = Lady Stoneheart, the Brothers without Banners are definitely coming back and it does appear Arya is covering some of the Stoneheart elements.

Predictions after last night?

I think Euron just wiped out 2/3 of Dany's plan, with Tyrell being the one left.  I suspect he goes after her next (probably bringing Cersei her head), leaving Dany short handed against Cersei, forcing her to barter with Snow.  Her help against the walkers in exchange his help to eliminate Cersei.

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Yara Greyjoy wasn't killed by Euron, right? I think she'll play more of a roll to come against him. Theon Greyjoy is the BIGGEST wimp. I'm ready for him to just die already. He's my least favorite character in the show now.

Are all the Dorn fighters dead? Obviously, the lady of Dorn that Euron took captive is the gift he plans to give to Cersei. But is it less of a gift if Dorn doesn't have any real fighters left?

Finally, two major plotlines are about to converge. I'm interested to see how the meeting with Dany and Jon Snow goes!

Yara was taken hostage.  It appears the Lady of Dorn and one of the sand snakes was also taken hostage.  

I'm really wanting to know what's going to happen with Littlefinger.  He's obviously still plotting, but Jon and Sansa both seem to want nothing to do with him.  

Yeah, what was up with him smirking after Jon threatened him? I'm wondering if he wants Jon to build up rage against him, and then somehow use it against him.

From what I gathered, the only thing Dany lost was Yara's mini-army and the Dorn leaders.

Unsullied and Dothraki are still in Dragonstone. The Dorn army would have been mobilizing from Dorn, and I don't think they had made it that far yet to pick them up. They still have Highgarden, so Dany's army is still the biggest collective.

Theon is a piece of ****. You really have no idea if he's going to do the right thing or (more likely) tuck his tail between his legs and piss himself.

I was disappointed to see the Sand Snakes get whooped so easily. Two of them lost to one guy they were fighting at the same time. I thought they were supposed to be badasses.  All show, no go.

Looks like Arya is getting setup to arrive at Winterfell just after Jon leaves. I wouldn't be surprised if Sansa ends up leaving early too.

At this point, what the hell does Cerci have left to fight for? Vengence? She basically has 0 allies, a war torn army, no family (even Jamie's loyalty is faltering). Best she can hope for is to sit on the throne for a handful of years assuming one of her own don't slit her throat first.

Dorne now has no leader and Yara's mini-army was supposed to be one of the ones set to choke King's Landing.  I suspect the implication is that both are now rendered useless without any leadership. 

Cersei is indeed motivated purely by vengeance at this point.  Wouldn't surprise me if its Jamie that takes her out.

It was a little odd that yara just sort of forgot her uncle was looking for her - I guess their ships didn't have a crows nest to be on the lookout for anyone. Part of me was really glad to see an end to the girl power badass group. To me they were mostly all talk aside from a few minor "wins" Easy to poison people but hard to fight off an actual barbarian..

So if / when Bran shows up at Winterfell wouldn't he be "King of the North"? I am thinking that is going to be the avenue to let John out of his Kingship he claims he doesn't want and then he can go off with Dynaris, unless he is going to stay the worg or whatever he is..

I was really glad they didn't show greyworms stump!

Man, I was sorry to see the Lady of Tyrell go! She was always one of my favorite characters in the show. I was happy she got the last laugh against Cercei (and, to a lesser extent, Jamie). 

As for the meeting between Jon and Dany, well, he got part of what he wanted! And she just has to put up with him doing what he wants for now. 

What was up with the threats between the Eunich and the witch lady? I had no idea they disliked each other that much. 

Who else thinks Sansa might make a mistake while in charge of Winterfell? I don't know what kind of mistake, but I also don't know when Jon will be making his way back, thus taking the rule back from her. And as for Bran... Damn, he seems like an annoying sibling to have these days, as happy as I would be if I were Sansa to have him. At least they're reunited... Now where's Arya? 

Edit: Arya looks like she'll be back in Winterfell possibly as early as next episode. That reuniting would hopefully be more interesting than Sansa and Bran's.

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Lady Elenna's departure isn't confirmed. If I've learned anything from GoT, until you see a head on a spike, they're not dead. Jamie poured 2 glasses and only one was drank. Not even confirming what she drank was poison, or if she drank the right glass either...

The meeting between Jon and Dany sucked. Absolutely no diplomacy for someone who has Tyrion as her hand (who knows and respects Jon). Why did she suddenly have a stick up her ass? She walked into that meeting like a younger Cercei, "I'm the queen, bend the knee or **** you."  She used to listen to literally hundreds of her people with compassion and understanding. Now she's full-blown "my way or the highway."  Most hyped up meeting of the entire show had the makings of an amazing partnership, ended up sucking the chrome off a tow hitch.

I think Varys knows more about the Red Witch than he lets on (or that she knows). They both knew that if she was downstairs during the Dany/Jon meeting, blood would have been shed. Varys does not ask questions he doesn't already know the answer to.

Sansa will definitely **** up. She keeps Littlefinger around and he's a scheming ********* who's only goal is to put his own ass on the iron throne. He has no issues throwing anyone and everyone to the wolves if it gets him closer. Her mistake is keeping him alive.

Arya is on her way. That will be another great reunion. I agree Bran is annoying, but his ability to see everything will be very helpful in guiding Sansa and Jon in the upcoming battles. 

I'm really done with Team Dany, maybe I like the underdog but I would kind of like to see Jon, Arya, and Sam running everything

Speaking of not confirmed dead, I think the Sand Snakes still have a role to play. The daughter may have been poisoned by Cercei's kiss, but they've taken the antidote so many times they're likely immune to the stuff by now. Plus they typically wear a necklace with the antidote in it.

I get that they're trying to make Dany a hardass to really show her evolution from frail daughter to "Queen of The Longest List of Things Ever", but it's definitely starting to err on the side of annoying.  

I wonder when Euron and Jamie will come to blows.

Also speaking of not dead yet, I think (or at least, would like) for Yara to get revenge on Euron!

Lady Elenna's departure isn't confirmed. If I've learned anything from GoT, until you see a head on a spike, they're not dead. Jamie poured 2 glasses and only one was drank. Not even confirming what she drank was poison, or if she drank the right glass either...
Does this mean you think Hodor could still be alive?

I'm pretty sure she drank the glass with the poison in it.  I don't think there's any David Copperfield slight of hand going on.  The way she downed it though makes me wonder if there's a little Princess Bride action coming...she drank a little every day to make herself immune.  On the other hand, she didn't seem to know what it was so how would she know what to make herself immune to.

As the new 3-eyed raven, can Bran see the future as well?  The rumors are flying that the reason he was such a douche when he finally saw Sansa again is because he's seen what she's going to do, aka stab John in the back.

If Hodor shows up during the battle with the white walkers, my wife is liable to lose her ****.  She was not happy about him going.
