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Hell, if I had Pure Dee's body, I'd never leave the house.

Were you imagining doing yourself and wondering if you were still heterosexual?
NO, but thanks to you that'll probably be the nightmare tonight. Thanks a lot! :eek:ldman:
If you DO do yourself, do it doggie style and tell Pure Ble not to turn around.

No thanks necessary!

Now as to the question of homosexuality, I think it'd be hetero, but it would be incestuous.

If you're having relations with someone of the opposite sex and you find out later on that this person is actually your long-lost sibling... is it still incest?

If you're having relations with someone of the opposite sex and you find out later on that this person is actually your long-lost sibling... is it still incest?

Back when I worked as a lifeguard (mid eighties) someone picked up a copy of that bastion of jouranlism, The national Enquier. In it, was an article about a couple in their sixties who were married but had just found out they were brother and sister. The quote in the article was, "Thank God we never had children!"

They were resolving some legal issues with regard to the legality of their forty year marriage.

Were you imagining doing yourself and wondering if you were still heterosexual?
NO, but thanks to you that'll probably be the nightmare tonight. Thanks a lot! :eek:ldman:
If you DO do yourself, do it doggie style and tell Pure Ble not to turn around Clean up and don't tell anyone.

No thanks necessary!

Now as to the question of homosexuality, I think it'd be hetero, but it would be incestuous.
...Sounds kinda Fudgey
