funny pic thread

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Yeah, you really weren't in the Engineering Program for the chicks, literally in my ME class there were a total of 2 that I would have taken home ..........sober. I think one was even single.

Luckily for me I found a nursing student to date, she had as little free time as I did.

chuck, ble, and a few others might get this...
ha ha. I hate that fat f*&^er. He is the definition of an ignorant redneck. I've known Andre for a long time and think he's pretty much a slime ball. He dated one of my ex-girlfriends for a few years.

Only thing is, now I don't know who to vote for. If Haley is lying, I don't want to vote for her, I'd rather vote for Gresham Barrett.
I thought he [AB] had a snorting for GB!!!

Stop it. That's 4x more Obummer than I ever wanted to see.

Campaign to bring tourism back to the Gulf Coast.

Foxnews Photo-Ops

Note the Source.

Yup, it's <- THAT Wolverine.


Next time I'm going to try to post my name as Wolverine at

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