Capt Worley PE
Run silent, run deep
Not one of Jeffries's better cars.
I still love 'Daydream Believer.'
I still love 'Daydream Believer.'
Huh? I followed the link that was given in the post above mine. There wasn't anything nearly naked in the link I gave. It was every bit as clothed as the "Curves" poster that's been floating around for the past few pages...yes, to clarify, I was irritated at SSmith's post for hardcore porn.
Huh? I followed the link that was given in the post above mine. There wasn't anything nearly naked in the link I gave. It was every bit as clothed as the "Curves" poster that's been floating around for the past few pages...yes, to clarify, I was irritated at SSmith's post for hardcore porn.
Huh? I followed the link that was given in the post above mine. There wasn't anything nearly naked in the link I gave. It was every bit as clothed as the "Curves" poster that's been floating around for the past few pages...yes, to clarify, I was irritated at SSmith's post for hardcore porn.
That's ridiculous. Please refrain from posting links to porn in the future.
It's not ridiculous. Dexman did the research that pointed to a photo shoot of Pure Dee that included the picture being used in the Curves photo that is bouncing around here the past few pages. My comment and link was to a picture from that photo shoot collection from Dexman's link where she looked meth'd out (IMHO) instead of smoking hot. She had on the same exact clothing that that picture had on.
Did you follow the link? Did you see something different?
I'd say we call it an honest mistake and leave it at that.
No because by current standards, ****s can be seen in PG13 movies, which was the rating of the original title,,,Maybe a movie rating scheme would be better?
I got to a site also with her in the shower looking all drugged up, needless to say, when pics like that are up in the site here, some are bound to have links to a porn site. I don't think any one was trying to be too nasty with her pics.I am guessing you guys got some sort of webpage redirect. I got the Puredee site.
Also **** is different at every office. In mine it is a extremely loose term.
Wait, you don't know Steve?^^^^Who the F*&K is Steve?
And why hang out with him?
ZING!Wait, you don't know Steve?^^^^Who the F*&K is Steve?
And why hang out with him?
I guess we know about you, huh? DVINNY = NOT COOL