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I refuse to not try again. I have to try again. But my confidence is a little rattled right now.
Refusing to give up... thats the engineers spirit!! If I fail I will have to try again too!! My exam is only offered in April, so unless I decide to switch exams I would have to wait (which I will consider switching). My personal opinion is that the longer you wait to retake it I think you would just end up forgetting more of the stuff you still remember from last time. (Some others who have had to retake should have some advice.)

I have a friend who took the bar exam a year ago and he was SO worried he didn't pass... yet he tells "I am so confident you passed, how could you not have? Oh come on, you know you passed! Just admit it!" So I know how the added pressure is, I don't know if I passed, I hope so but will find out soon. (BTW, the pass rate in MN for the bar is 90+%... little different than the PE. Since I am not required to have a PE, my lawyer friends tell me how much more stress the Bar exam is than the PE because if they don't pass they don't have a job.. I see ther point but come one, 90+% pass rate.. they take it right after college and typically don't work any job for 2 months before the exam... They seem to undermine the importance of the PE, but then they are just frickin lawyers... ok-rant off.)

Your very welcome for all the support!

well, fellas, you all will be the first (other than my husband) to hear the news. I got my letter yesterday afternoon - Mechanical, Machine Design Depth.
I did NOT pass. :multiplespotting:

I cried a bit, but I really didn't feel good about it as I left the exam room. So, I have to decide when to do this again.

Not surprisingly, I did well on the Thermal/Fluids stuff because I figured since it was my weakest subject that I would study it harder. Well, that resulted in my scoring the best on those topics, but at the expense of the others. :suicide1:

I am planning to wait until Monday to tell my coworkers, friends, et al because I don't want to deal with the pitying looks. :multiplespotting:
Sorry about that Gator. If you allow me I will advice you to go for it again. Don't give up. It is only natural to feel sad and to have your confidence a little shattered( I hope I used the right word here) but you will be over that after the week-end. In Florida you have three chances before they make you take college credits again so you are good to go for the next round. Go for it. I can guarantee you: YOU WILL PASS. Mark this post and you will see. If you don't pass October 07 you can call me a liar.

You cannot measure a person for the times he/she falls. You can measure a person by the way he/she bounces back after the fall. There is no shame in taking a fall. The shame is on you if you stay down. Get up and GO FOR IT.

The same words for the all the friends here that came up short.

Say; October 07.... :multiplespotting:

I refuse to not try again. I have to try again. But my confidence is a little rattled right now.
gatormech - That is to be expected. First time around for me I was hoping for a repeat of my EIT exam and passing it on the first. But no such luck. But give yourself a few days or even a couple of weeks to recover and then get back at it. Concentrate on your weak points. You seem to have the right attitude and that is your best weapon!

Ritchie, thanks for the virtual *hugs* via the vote of confidence. It does suck because we aren't required to have it to work here, so I was doing it for myself. The guys here thought that it was nice that I wanted to attempt it, and gave me the canned, "I know you passed" type of talks, so it hurts to have to tell them what happened.
So, do I suck it up and try again in October or wait till next year? I need to check the board rules on retakes, etc...

I refuse to not try again. I have to try again. But my confidence is a little rattled right now.

You have to go after this again in October. I failed the first time even with the president of my company telling everybody i would pass the first time. Take the weekend to be upset over hte test, adn then make the plan to pass next time. You can do it. ALOT of engineers take the test twice.

thanks, frazil.i have to tell myself that this doesn't make me less of a designer...right? :|
gator --

I am really sorry to hear you didn't pass :multiplespotting:

I think you have to remember that this test is an across-the-board assessment of your engineering skills in a particular discipline. Many of us utilize particular skills in our day-to-day jobs and often times we may not even use other skills after our school days. Because of the broadness of this exam, it IS very challenging. In many aspects, it really isn't a 'true' test of our skills as we apply them in our daily workproduct.

You cannot take a failure of this exam to mean anything but you weren't prepared. :multiplespotting: Many of us find ourselves unprepared for a whole host of reasons - you just need to take this as a setback and resolve to prepare to pass the next time !! :multiplespotting:

As far as getting back into it I will say this. The 3rd time I took this exam I did the worst because I had taken a whole year away from preparing. I had made back-to-back 69s on the previous two attempts, so I figured work on my weak spots. I did far worse that 3rd time because I had become so far removed from the preparation process and what I knew from my references. If you feel like you need a break because you can't make the commitment - then it is best to be honest with yourself and take the break. Otherwise I think it is best to re-take the exam as soon as possible - the more time you put between yourself and the exam time the more difficult it will be to get back into the swing of studying.

<---- Voice of experience. :suicide1:


I have not received my results yet (waiting for today), but I think that a “fail” does not mean the end of the world. I took this test for the first time last April (Electrical/Computer), and I was surprised about the complexity of the afternoon module (in my case, POWER). If I fail, I will relax for a period of time, and take it again next April.


I passed! :suicide1:

Good luck to all those still waiting and for those who didn't pass this time, good luck for next time, I know you can do it!

Last time (I promise) I am going to ask this:

Color of the envelope if:



I want to call home and leave behind my stress.


Last time (I promise) I am going to ask this:
Color of the envelope if:



I want to call home and leave behind my stress.

Color of envelope = White

One sheet inside saying you passed.

I took the Electrical/power depth too RC and to tell you the truth I felt the same way you did. It was a difficult afternoon test in my opinion.

I think in my case Morning session helped me sail through.

You will be fine man.

Color of envelope = WhiteOne sheet inside saying you passed.

I took the Electrical/power depth too RC and to tell you the truth I felt the same way you did. It was a difficult afternoon test in my opinion.

I think in my case Morning session helped me sail through.

You will be fine man.
Congratulations Cyclone...

I just received the letter, the secretary of our company handed to me. I passed. :multiplespotting:

white evelope, only one page. No score. Said "Passed".


just received a call from home...I do not want nobody, but me, to open the envelope. It is a regular white envelope. Are "fail" and "pass" the same?



just received a call from home...I do not want nobody, but me, to open the envelope. It is a regular white envelope. Are "fail" and "pass" the same?

any help about the "fail" notification envelope characteristics for FLORIDA will be priceless...forgive me MASTERCARD...


RC --

Can't you get off from work early? Develop a headache? Anything? Why torture yourself - go home and open your letter!


Just got the thin white envelope with the letter saying I passed (FL Civil/Struct First Try). It is a relief more than anything. I studied so much, if I had failed I wouldn't know what else to do.



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You should just open the dang thing. You probably passed. If you didn't then you take it again. I also thought the afternoon was impossible when I took the test - many people did. I was sure I failed and nervous as heck, but I passed. If you do good on one section you can carry yourself through.

Good luck.


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