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So my husband says to me last night after a LOWES FAIL that there were hardwoods underneath the carpet that was supposed to be replaced on Friday. I made him show me a few corners of the floor before bed and while he was at work, guess what I did?


Yup, screw Lowe's, renting a drum sander tomorrow. $1989 refund from Lowe's, I worked my a$$ off from 8 am to 3 pm today and will have to put a bit more effort into them tomorrow but DAUM the owners of the house should appreciate everything we have done at this house.

I hate to say it but there was some damage from our animals.. however most of it was previous stuff. It is really in good condition which tells me it's been covered up for years. The house was built like 50+ years ago so I knew there was good stuff buried under all this modern crap they installed in the 70's and 80's, but I've had issues working on it since we are just renting.

So far we've put about $3000 into the house in improvements ($1200 was a fence for the dogs which we will obviously leave, the rest in fixtures, paint, a bit of electrical work (HA HA) and some other random items) yet I doubt we will get our $2000 deposit back even with them keeping the $1200 pet deposit

As much as we move, we have to determine the benefits of renting vs buying, however when you rent so much, you need to do things to make it feel like home. Or else the saying that Home is where the Army sends us, isn't true... I will now blast this thread with photos of improvements of this house and random photos since I'm not supposed to share that whole Army thing on the internet and stuff

The laundry room partially done.. I will be keeping my washer and dryer as they were a constellation prize for moving from NC to AL but hey, give up a lucrative career in engineering for unemployment and a girl deserves something...


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