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My inside sources said it was determined that NCEES will just throw out all Oct scores and all Oct test takers can retake the April exam for free...the upcoming meeting is actually to figure out how to break the news without engineers pulling a Ferguson, MO

My inside sources said it was determined that NCEES will just throw out all Oct scores and all Oct test takers can retake the April exam for free...the upcoming meeting is actually to figure out how to break the news without engineers pulling a Ferguson, MO
Sounds like you and mike have the same source.
Bathroom post
Don't forget to wash your hands.
My day so far:

1. Clean out and undo water line connection from old fridge in preparation for new fridge arrival

2. Realize that I measured the dimensions of the fridge location and not my stairway and balcony

3. Measure stairway and balcony

4. Freak out because it's a couple inches too large

5. Spend morning undoing framing to make space

6. New fridge arrives

7. Water line connection and general fridge stuff

8. Begin redoing my framing etc...pouring rain screwing up my plans

All the while worrying about this fricking PE exam results and delaying working on my final exam

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