It was a poor choice to talk about myself - agreed (too late now though

I'm a Mech who wanted to spread my breath. I found studying for power much harder than the Mech exam. Yall simply don't have much applicable info to study from.
Tried to start studying with PPI book (like i did with mech) and Graffeo but they were too dense/complicated for me. (by Zach) saved me in dumbing down concepts and breaking down practice questions so when I'd miss a small detail (or a square root 3 somewhere) - I wouldn't have to look for 2-3 hrs trying to hunt down a small detail.
I then went back to Graffeo (kinda could understand it after Zach) - best part of the book was still the practice test and solutions in the back. Then finished with NCEES practice test.
Order of things I accredit me passing:
2)calculator that could do the complex math (want to say ti-36..)
3)practice tests (NCEES and Graffeo)
4) NEC Handbook
5)NESC and Graffeo (non-practice test portion)
6) PPI book (best part of this book was and still is the cover)
Hope something in there helps.