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I just want to have sex with the misses, play with my child, walk the dog and make a little money. Maybe not in that order. Nowhere does Facebook come into play there.
Better ways than FB to poast pics on the web. Why go there and see how old and scary the hot chicks from high school got! It's better to remember those ladies as hot!

Really?? Walking the dog is that important? ;)

Why would am employer want to lay you off if you stop performing your duties? That employer would still be paying you through unemployment, so they would most likely opt to fire you.
I now see why you are criticizing Master slackers work ethics, you just pointed out that you work 2-3 levels above yourself and should have a 45-60% pay raise. Sounds like you are the one getting screwed and doing way more work than you should be according to your logic, not Master slacker. You really should quit.
Can't fire someone for doing their job as agreed upon, and not expect that person to receive unemployment. Like I said I doubt it would come to that, and I'd be miserable anyway - doing only the work made for a kid right out of school would bore me to tears.

I don't mind it too much because the work is decently enjoyable, I can easily bike to work every day, and I get OT if things get busy. Even better, by doing the work I'm doing now, I can beef up my resume (to aid in getting that fatty money) in addition to not working under one the worst human beings I've ever had the displeasure of meeting. I'm going on vacation in a few weeks and, assuming I passed the PE, I'll be full-bore job hunting as soon as I'm back.

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Can't fire someone for doing their job as agreed upon, and not expect that person to receive unemployment.
Unless you have a contract you are employed at will, and if you are not performing they can fire you.

Can't fire someone for doing their job as agreed upon, and not expect that person to receive unemployment.
Unless you have a contract you are employed at will, and if you are not performing they can fire you.
The word they associate with your termination is irrelevant. The reasons behind it are all that matters - sort of like calling someone an Office Manager doesn't exempt them from OT under FLSA. Someone "fired" who has performed up to the job description given to that individual by his/her employer will be considered as terminated without cause, and will be eligible for unemployment insurance benefits.

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The word they associate with your termination is irrelevant. The reasons behind it are all that matters - sort of like calling someone an Office Manager doesn't exempt them from OT under FLSA. Someone "fired" who has performed up to the job description given to that individual by his/her employer will be considered as terminated without cause, and will be eligible for unemployment insurance benefits.
Bean, I sit corrected. You can be fired for under performing and still receive unemployment. If it is a misconduct based firing then you will most likely be denied unemployment.

Good luck in your job searching.

Labor law is an interesting thing. Thanks for the well wishes; hopefully I won't need the luck in a job search as I'd much prefer to stay here, but unfortunately that probably isn't realistic. Job hunting is such a PITA.

Employers having hiring practices based on facebook or any other internet social medium just shows how much power corporations have taken back since anti trust laws and derivitive gambling laws. It almost seems as if HR has to do some pretty bad stuff in order to get called out and then good luck having the resources to fight it while you are unemployed.

Employers having hiring practices based on facebook or any other internet social medium just shows how much power corporations have taken back since anti trust laws and derivitive gambling laws. It almost seems as if HR has to do some pretty bad stuff in order to get called out and then good luck having the resources to fight it while you are unemployed.


Employers having hiring practices based on facebook or any other internet social medium just shows how much power corporations have taken back since anti trust laws and derivitive gambling laws. It almost seems as if HR has to do some pretty bad stuff in order to get called out and then good luck having the resources to fight it while you are unemployed.

Cliffnotes: Wife wouldn't let me put it in her pooper.

You mean the ex-wife with cancer, right?

He is still trying to tell us something, and typically I can follow it, but not this time.

He is still trying to tell us something, and typically I can follow it, but not this time.
It looks like English, but I still don't know what the hell he's saying...
Of course we don't know what he is saying... we didn't get fatty raises!

Maybe it will make more sense after another fine ice cold refreshing beverage...

Wife was told yesterday morning in a staff meeting the reason she was asked to remove her photos from Facebook was because one of her co-workers (different floor, didn't know the lady) was fired for posting specific patient info and mentioning the hospital by name (a violation of HIPPA rules). Her boss also said that it would be ok to post pics as long as they were non-nude photos (her biggest concern and reason for asking my wife not to post photos).
