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gray haired dude
Jun 11, 2006
Reaction score
Front Range
fired for facebook

People are still learning that what they post on "private" Facebook pages is not as private as they may think. And some are learning it the hard way, after being fired from their jobs because of their posts. The question this raises is less about whether employers can do this and more about whether they should.
I think people should have the sense to not bitch about their job openly anywhere, facebook especially.. I try and be careful.

I have a friend on fb who works at a *tire store* and he randomly post pictures of peoples cars, usually hey look at this pig sty and such, if the wrong person sees that I am sure he is going to be a gonner...

People put way too much of their personal business out there.

<--no FB and not likely to ever have one

<---- just started an eb.com "fan page"

I need to work on the logo though...


I don't understand the ranting being done on Facebook in general. Does it really make you feel better to let everyone know about your problems? People should get a clue and realize that while they do have freedom to say whatever they want, the still have to live with the consequences that come with it.

<-----Has Facebook.

just created a fb page about a month ago to post updated pictures of minisnick for familyand friends. easier than sending a bunch of emails out

The subject waitress should not have been fired IMO. She got stiffed and the restaturant should recognize that. They should've quietly asked to remove the post and let sleeping dogs lie.

I use FB alot to keep up with family and old friends. There are some drawbacks, like people from high school who never talked to you then suddenly wanting to "friend" you... and of course the whole getting fired thing. Just don't be an idiot on there and you won't get into trouble!

I just read the article (yea, I posted without reading it) and that happened at the Brixx in downtown Charlotte. I remember it in the paper a few weeks back and it wasn't that big a deal locally. Now it's all over the internet.

I hate Facebook. I don't like that fact that certain females have the opportunity to put a name to a face. That's why my picture on it is photoshopped.

The subject waitress should not have been fired IMO. She got stiffed and the restaturant should recognize that. They should've quietly asked to remove the post and let sleeping dogs lie.
I can't tell if she got stiffed or not. If it was a $20 tab, that was a nice tip. Waitstaff has adopted the entitlement mentality like crazy.

And if it was a buffet (I don't know if that Brixx has one or not), then she's really out of line. 3hours is not atypical at all.

I think the worst thing I've ever posted about work was when one of the bosses sent out an email to a TON of contractors with my name wrong in it... since then I've pretty much had to change my name, thinking about getting business cards with it, but it turned out to be this huge funny joke and I didn't post anything that I didn't say to his face :)

Although FB can cause a lot of drama, it does provide a great benefit for people who live completly isolated from their friends and family. My mom checks my post every morning to make sure I've gotten my day started, we use it to message about important stuff like my sisters upcomming wedding or my husbands run this past weekend (I think I posted updates like every two or three hours this weekend), I can upload photos and share them with EVERYONE all at once, get quick updates via chat from my cousins and friends, play games, stalk people... you know... fun stuff....

I'm quite the sarcastic/funny person, so anyone who knows me knows that there is probably an inside joke somewhere in a post they don't understand... but I'm also used to opsec, not wanting people to know I'm home alone for extended times (one of my big pet peeves is when wives post about their husbands being deployed and how much the miss them on ANY internet form) and like to think I'm the queen of vaugeness when it comes to posting negativly about anything. I think it helps being friends with my parents on there though... anything I post has to be mom and dad friendly!

Then again everyone makes mistakes, mis-judgements and bad decisions.... you live with them and move on with the consequences...

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I can't tell if she got stiffed or not. If it was a $20 tab, that was a nice tip. Waitstaff has adopted the entitlement mentality like crazy.
And if it was a buffet (I don't know if that Brixx has one or not), then she's really out of line. 3hours is not atypical at all.
$5 for an extra hour of work past the end of a shift is unreasonable, 25% of the bill or not. I'm not saying she should be making fatty money as a waitress, but three hours at some crummy restaurant, having to work late, and getting essentially nothing for it is bogus. It's certainly not wise to vent like that publicly (I have a FB account but rarely post anything, and everything is locked down for friends only - random people can't even find me on there) but firing? Out of line.

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The subject waitress should not have been fired IMO. She got stiffed and the restaturant should recognize that. They should've quietly asked to remove the post and let sleeping dogs lie.
I think the restaurant has little understanding how "social media" works. Regardless of their apparently absolute right to fire the waitress, they're doing a lot more harm to their company than she did. While "there's no such thing as bad publicity" applies to actors and actresses, it sure doesn't apply to restaurants. They've turned the smallest of pimples into a full blown case of the hemorrhoids.!

I can't tell if she got stiffed or not. If it was a $20 tab, that was a nice tip. Waitstaff has adopted the entitlement mentality like crazy.
And if it was a buffet (I don't know if that Brixx has one or not), then she's really out of line. 3hours is not atypical at all.
$5 for an extra hour of work past the end of a shift is unreasonable, 25% of the bill or not. I'm not saying she should be making fatty money as a waitress, but three hours at some crummy restaurant, having to work late, and getting essentially nothing for it is bogus.
In the same light, do you work your 9 to 5 each and every day? If you work over, do you get paid overtime? I don't. Sometimes that's just part of the job. I get paid my salary regardless of whether I work 40 or 100 hours each week.

In the same light, do you work your 9 to 5 each and every day? If you work over, do you get paid overtime? I don't. Sometimes that's just part of the job. I get paid my salary regardless of whether I work 40 or 100 hours each week.

Well, you'll never make fatty money that way.

In the same light, do you work your 9 to 5 each and every day? If you work over, do you get paid overtime? I don't. Sometimes that's just part of the job. I get paid my salary regardless of whether I work 40 or 100 hours each week.

Well, you'll never make fatty money that way.
He likes working for "free".
