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I was just informed that my wife's doctor wants to deliver the baby no later than next week. He's saying no later than next Thursday, but she has an ultrasound and follow up appointment on Monday. We'll have a better idea then. Here's to another 2014 baby and a tax benefit.

Baby born on the 31st offers the best tax benefits. But it also really screws things up for insurance deductibles since it resets on the 1st...

So Mrs NJ has been having contractions all weekend long, mostly at night. This evening they have been a bit more intense and frequent. I think #3 is coming soon.

update: still in a holding pattern. Doc made her schedule an appointment for Thursday, but she doesn't think that she will make to then.

Based on how she's feeling and how she's felt during the last two, I am guessing this kids is coming out tomorrow. Possibly during the early hours.

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