RIP - VTEnviro
His Memory Eternal
Ohhhh yeahhh. :bio:

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Any thing else popping and hurting? LOL.SapperPE said:Any other exercises to avoid?
I hope the info in blue helps bring your GYM RAT vocabulary up to speed. :laugh:SapperPE said:Chest: Bench press, butterfly machine (butterflies), dumb bell press, pushupsTris: Dips, pull down on the rope on pully thing(push downs), pushups, bench press, dumbell thing where you lay on your back and put the dumbell over your head and lift up (eyebusters/skullcrushers).
Bis: Curls with the squiggly line bar seated(EZ-curls), curls with the straight bar standing, dumbell curls, lat pull downs
back: lat pull downs, pull ups, dumbell rows leaning forward on a bench (bent over Dumbell rows)
legs: leg press on the machine with the straight bar and the hooks(sled), leg presses on another type of machine with pulleys(horizontal leg press?), leg extensions for quads and the front part of the thigh (quads are the front of the thigh), knee raises on a machine (calf raises)
shoulders: dumbell raises, shrugs with dumbells
abs: crunches, situps, some ab contraption machine that I probably won't use much anymore because it sucks, flutter kicks, leg raises
That is about every machine in the weight room, and I vary it up so I don't always do the same routine and use the same equipment.
That is an impressive workout Sapper, you are sure to see results with that. I have to admire you making the most of your situation there :laugh:SapperPE said:That is very interesting. It makes sense now that you explained it. Nothing else is hurting, but that was starting to concern me. I am glad I asked. I actually was hesitating on asking because I didn't want to sound like a pansy.
Here are the exercises I am doing. Keep in mind my options are limited because we don't have a state of the art gym, as you can probably imagine.
Chest: Bench press, butterfly machine, dumb bell press, pushups
Tris: Dips, pull down on the rope on pully thing, pushups, bench press, dumbell thing where you lay on your back and put the dumbell over your head and lift up.
Bis: Curls with the squiggly line bar seated, curls with the straight bar standing, dumbell curls, lat pull downs
back: lat pull downs, pull ups, dumbell rows leaning forward on a bench
legs: leg press on the machine with the straight bar and the hooks, leg presses on another type of machine with pulleys, leg extensions for quads and the front part of the thigh, knee raises on a machine
shoulders: dumbell raises, shrugs with dumbells
abs: crunches, situps, some ab contraption machine that I probably won't use much anymore because it sucks, flutter kicks, leg raises
That is about every machine in the weight room, and I vary it up so I don't always do the same routine and use the same equipment.