EB Survivor Challenge 5

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Sapper PE LS

Aspiring Couch Potato
Apr 25, 2006
Reaction score
Near Alpha Centauri Relatively Speaking
First things first. Sorry for the delay, I've been saddled with yet another big project at work and that surveying exam isn't going to study for itself.

Moving on. The Frozen Chosen had to vote off a player at the end of Challenge 4, which brings them down to only three members. While HBB is still hanging strong with 5 players. This is becoming lopsided. And I know that not all members participated in the last challenge from HBB, so, HBB must first identify a sacrifice to send over to the other team. It is perfectly legitimate for this person to be a spy too, in case you're wondering how dastardly you can be in this game, but I digress). PM me your vote for who gets re-branded.

So, once you've identified to me the person you will be sending to the Frozen Chosen, I'll post the details about Challenge 4.

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^ meaning team Frozen Chosen is ready to continue getting beat. Shall we proceed?

A little side line commentator humor, but this is who I thought of when you said "Lets do this"...


White Shadooooooow!!

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Okay, we're on. Dex may not be into it based on his comment, but I've got enough interest to continue, so here goes.

First things first, Dark Knight is no longer with HBB and is now with Frozen Chosen. Pack your bags and move to the other campsite, you've got to prove yourself to a new tribe.

And now for the challenge.. and let me just stress up front that THE ABSOLUTE MOST IMPORTANT part of this challenge is that it is FUN! If it isn't fun, it doesn't belong in the games forum.

Challenge 5:

Story Thread. The basic premise. Each team starts a "story" thread. The first post explains the theme of the story, then other folks can join in and add to it, but the main theme of the story has to continue. You can choose whatever you want for the theme, it can be a serious journalistic masterpiece or it can be a witty and whimsical comedy piece, it doesn't matter. Throughout the entire thread life, there will be a vote option for each thread. Votes can be either "good" or "bad". The winner will be whoever has the highest value of the following equation:

Number of topic views + number of posts (by anybody including team members) + number of likes of individual posts within the thread + number of good votes - number of bad votes.

So, obviously we're all engineers here, and I shouldn't have to explain, but in order to be competitive at all, both teams need to keep on track with number of posts, each member of the team should obviously be liking as many of the posts in the thread as they can and voting positives for themselves and voting negatives for their competitors. Then its all about quality. If you have a really clever or funny post, that will help you, because you'll get likes from non-playing members.

Anyway, the point here is to have fun, and I'll give bonus positive votes to the thread that honors our fallen brother the most.

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