EB Survivor Campfire

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Well, HBB lost and had to vote off a player. After approximately 24 hours the results are as follows:

1 - Roadguy

4 - No vote

Honestly, I think there should be four people voted off tonight, but rules are rules, so Road Guy, because of the general lack of apathy of the players, you got the most votes...



Just got back in front of a computer. We had 24 hours "or so", correct? How long is "or so"? ;)

Either way I PM'd my vote.

HBB, need you to give me a name within the next 24 hours or so. Vote off the weak link... I think RG needs to go, for passing, but that's just me.
If someone wants to take my spot on this game go ahead. Am not being a good teammate right now. No time at all and a crappy something that has messed up the way EB is displayed in my computer.

Just changed themes and it got a little bit better. Still looks bad.

2 votes for Bly, 1 vote for dex, 1-no vote

Bye bye Bly. Pack your things and move to the inhabited side of the island.



VTEnviro - Extenuating Circumstances


Master Slacker





Ship Wreck

Road Guy



Dark Knight


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Steak dinners with large sides of BACON here I come. No more bugs and pine cones fer me!

With the game over, can we just assume that HBB would have won.
