EB Survivor Campfire

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Sapper PE LS

Aspiring Couch Potato
Apr 25, 2006
Reaction score
Near Alpha Centauri Relatively Speaking
The Frozen Chosen have lost the first challenge.

The elders demand a sacrifice.

The Frozen Chosen must now vote a member off the island. PM me the name of the member you are voting off. Deadline for elimination is 7PM EST Sunday 9 Feb.

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Can we phone in our votes?


I'm saying that the game is rigged. No way HBB was better than us. I think admin (KF) changed the voter outcome or created some fictitious accounts to generate more votes for themselves. : :p :

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^ LOL. While I did think of that, I'm keeping it all honest in the essence of sportsmanship. Heck, if anything, we do have the EB.com owner on our team. How could we not win? LOL

I'm actually somewhat dissapointed. I expressly said that all members and their aliases are eligible to vote, and that the point is to win regardless of the truth. I fully expected shenanigans... Kind of have to with all the mods and admins playing.

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That being said, the first member to be voted off the island is goodal. The tribe has spoken.

Goodal, thanks for playing, please pack your bags and go to the developed side of the island to enjoy a lush hotel and steak dinners while the rest of these suckers are stuck in this game.

I accept my dismissal and wish all of you good luck...except for the backstabbing %$#*&*^$^* that voted for me. I want him to die

^ LOL. While I did think of that, I'm keeping it all honest in the essence of sportsmanship. Heck, if anything, we do have the EB.com owner on our team. How could we not win? LOL

Honestly, I'm not sure why I didn't catch this when I set up the teams. I meant to split the admins up, which I guess I did, because I put VTE in a different team. But he's sort of like only an admin in name, whereas you and RG actually do stuff back there in the Admin CP. Hmmmm.... a restructure may be in order after tonights campfire. It's been done on the show, so don't think I won't do it.
