EB Mafia

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Dang, 3 mafia 7 townies? I feel like if you ran those numbers Mafia would have enormous win rates. 

Mafia Round: Modified Tourney Rules


There will be three (3) characters in this round, with one of the characters encompassing 2 of the standard characters we’re used previously (the cop and doctor roles).  I’ve described them, and their roles, below:


  • There will be 3 mafia members.  
  • It is mandatory for the mafia to kill someone each night.
  • Mafia can communicate at any time via PM to other mafia players.
  • The mafia kill is displayed as an action to the Tracker and Motion Detector (actions of the Jack of All Trades [JoAT]).
  • If mafia kill a special character, the role will not be revealed.
  • The mafia response must be received by 9PM EST.  The Mafia must kill starting DAY 1.
Jack of All Trades (JoAT)

  • There will be 2 JoAT players.
  • They are separate players and will not be in communication with each other.
  • The JoAT player will have the following actions: 9x Doctor, 9x Motion Detector, 9x Tracker
  • Doctor - Standard doctor role; you can save someone by sending the mod their name. In Tournament Rules the thread will not learn the specific name of the user saved by the JoAT from the mafia, they will only know that the mafia did not complete a night kill.  If the person has been saved, they will continue to live in-game, unaware they were targeted, and the JoAT who used the Doctor skill will be the only member who knows they were night targeted/saved.
  • Motion Detector - Motion Detecting another player will detect any motion surrounding that player that Night. If they visit someone or were visited by someone else, you will detect motion. If they did not visit anyone and were not visited by anyone, you will not detect motion. You will not learn what type of Night Action was used on or by your target or who used those actions.  The mod response to this skill is ‘Motion detected’ or ‘No motion detected’.
  • Tracker -  Tracking another player informs you who that player used a Night Action on that night, if any. You will not learn what type of Night Action your target has.  The mod response to this skill is ‘Tracked player used a night action on BLANK’ or ‘Tracked player did not use a night action’.
  • The JoAT response must be received by 9PM EST.  The JoAT can use skills starting DAY 1.
Unlike the mafia, the JoAT can choose not to use a night action. If you do not submit an action, you will forego your action on that day. Keep in mind that if you have multiple uses of your abilities, you must cycle through all of them before being allowed to reuse any of them.


  • There will be 7 Townie players.
  • Townies cannot use night actions.  
  • Townies can have night actions performed on them (kills, saved by doctor, motion detected, or tracker). 
  • Townies can begin to lynch on DAY 1
  • If Townies lynch a special character, the role will be revealed.

For reference, the 11 players in this round are: @Audi driver, P.E. @blybrook PE @chart94 @ChebyshevII PE @DuranDuran @JayKay PE @MadamPirate PE @NikR_PE @RBHeadge PE @Roarbark @SaltySteve
^bold emphasis mine^

The numbers don't quite add up. By parts the number of players adds up to 12 players (3 maf + 2 joat + 7 town). So something is wrong in the bolded above. My guess is there are only two mafia. Otherwise a ratio of 8 town: 3 maf is grossly in favor of mafia victory. Whereas 9:2 is closer to parity.

^bold emphasis mine^

The numbers don't quite add up. By parts the number of players adds up to 12 players (3 maf + 2 joat + 7 town). So something is wrong in the bolded above. My guess is there are only two mafia. Otherwise a ratio of 8 town: 3 maf is grossly in favor of mafia victory. Whereas 9:2 is closer to parity.
Modding is hard 😔

View attachment 17992

Btw, I consider this to be a game related post.
I can see why @jean15paul_PE is still salty over that round but you were dead before I even put the plan in motion. Seems pretty out of character from your normal MO. I've got the same 7/11 chance of being a townie as you. Not enough info for a mafia lean yet but definitely interesting. 

@RBHeadge PE - slight townie lean for finding the discrepancy in player numbers and trying to determine if there are actually 2 or 3 mafia. 

We also have to remember that Audi is likely a non-playing character which even throws the odds further towards the mafia this round. I'm hoping there's only two mafioso to throw to the sharks circling the island.

Pretty sure I've used this before lol.  May have been in the big December round.
The December mega-round is my favorite round so far. So many players, so much going on in the thread, so much going on in the PMs, Christmas time, tail end of the Suck, results coming out midgame, Just so much fun! I didn't mind going back through the round to check if that meme was used before, if only for the memories.

Yes, you posted it during that round.

You even posted a similar one a few days prior to that:


It was your first round too! These were fun:

Well I'm probably too much of a newbie in this game to be considered as a possible mafia member.  However, I could just be saying that to avoid getting a vote.  

I think RBHeadge is mafia.  
You know that I'm not actually responsible for the delay in the exam results right.
We all know you are an NCEES employee incognito sent here to torment us. You can drop the charade. You're also mafia. 

Well I'm probably too much of a newbie in this game to be considered as a possible mafia member.  However, I could just be saying that to avoid getting a vote.  

I think RBHeadge is mafia.  
You know that I'm not actually responsible for the delay in the exam results right.
But you're convenient to blame!

Some other fun memories:

i'm a bit behind and confused since I got ragey due to WTTS. 
Geez, the Oct 19 WTTS was pretty awful! Hard to believe that it was only six months ago, and that we haven't had one since.

sry fish dude, ur votes dun count!

Also, I'm wandering back into WTTS.  I'm telling everyone to eat ice cream and/or suggest desserts.  I will try to calm them with random conversation.  I'm turning it into Spam 2.0, Spam lite, with a lighter, spammier, flavor.
at least we got "Fish Guy" out of it.

Off topic: When did I become seen as an expert on EB? I've gotten a few messages today from people who failed asking me to look at their diagnostic or asking my opinion about them taking a class.

I mean, I am pretty amazing, but they don't know that. 😛
TFW you realize you're a forum vet.

Someone is going to read through the WTTS, Spam, and map threads in the future and totally misinterpret all of these references to mafia, murder, woodchippers, and all the other inside jokes.
This aged well.

On 12/18/2019 at 9:44 AM, RBHeadge PE said:

On 12/18/2019 at 9:30 AM, ChebyshevII PE said:

On 12/18/2019 at 8:16 AM, RBHeadge PE said:
