EB Mafia

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(Post quota alreddy done made)

Day 2 Game Anaylsis:

1.  Neither Roarbark nor Vhab voted on Day 1.  Nothing telling really, just an observation.

2.  Nik_R was the first to vote for Jean, then everyone piled on Jean.  Then Nik_R got lynched.

3.  LyceeFruit has done 3 things that are uncharacteristic of her, IMO.  She (1), voted at the last minute, (2) voted for someone without giving a reason why, as she usually gives at least some reason, even if it's saying 'i dunno why, just because'.  And (3), someone voted for her this morning and she hasn't defended herself, just keeps talking about goat cheese.

4.  Townies are getting effed in the a.
I've defo voted without giving a reason.

And had I not voted, you'd call me suspish! 

As a reminder, not just to you but to everyone, @RBHeadge PE won't have the advantage of knowing people's playstyles in the tournament. It will be the first time he's played with those people. 
I get that, but I also think RB is good at reading people. and the maf has advantage of knowing how we all play the game typically so i don't think you can really take that entirely out of the equation, even if it just sneaks in subconsciously

I get that, but I also think RB is good at reading people. and the maf has advantage of knowing how we all play the game typically so i don't think you can really take that entirely out of the equation, even if it just sneaks in subconsciously
Fair. I'm just trying to remind folks that we are playing this round to help Fish Guy, and we should try not to use previous play styles against people. However, the post count minimum does change some folks' strategy, soo... *shrugs*

As a reminder, not just to you but to everyone, @RBHeadge PE won't have the advantage of knowing people's playstyles in the tournament. It will be the first time he's played with those people. 

true. But I'd ask that everyone keep playing as you normally would. While I am observing, please don't try to play only for my benefit. My observation goals here are to broadly see what works and what doesn't work with the new format.

@RBHeadge PE can read lips from people's texts.  
At first I read the first few words and thought, "wait how does he know that I regularely read lips? I don't recall bringing that up on the forums?" But then I realized it was a joke.

to note: I'm not that good at reading between the lines. FWIW you have a really good knack at that.

FWIW, I think the tourney requires people to vote? I need to double check. That will put a wrinkle in my play style.


and I gotta get back to work.
Before you leave, just tell us ONE mafia player (based on your analysis) so we can have a competitive game here.

(ikeed! but not really lol) 😁
